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Cooking in a tiny home – food diary of a vanlifer

Cooking in a tiny home can come with some challenges, and tiny homes do not come much smaller than a van! In this food diary from one of our trips over the summer, we highlight the challenges presented by cooking and travelling in a tiny home in one day.


The sunshine trickles in through the windows awakening us from our sleep. I can hear the birds on the roof excitedly calling to their friends in the nearby trees. I roll over, open the curtain and take in the views before me. Finding park-ups like these make vanlife the best way to travel. Today we have woken up on a campsite that limits pitches to make it feel like you are in the wild. As luck would have it we are the ONLY ones here. We got here a little later than we would have liked to yesterday so we’re looking forward to exploring today.


I fill up the kettle and put it on the stove to boil. Mark checks the water tank to make sure we have enough for later and don’t need to fill up – all good! The whistle of the kettle tells us it’s time for our morning cup of tea. The best way to start the day!


We decide to head out and explore before having breakfast. The sunshine shines down on us as we walk hand in hand taking in the expanse of green before us. The grass is damp from the downpours of the day before and the smell of wet grass fills our senses. There is a small lake in the next field and we wander over to it. Canadian geese are gracefully gliding across the water, away from us, these strange creatures that have emerged from a van.

On the way back to the van we stop and pick some blackberries from the hedgerows. There doesn’t seem to be a great amount of ripe ones, and there is a little competition from some persistent wasps. We head back to the van with the goodies in our hands.


When we arrive back at the van with wet shoes, Mark has wet socks too. We put everything in the sunshine in an attempt to dry it. We don’t want the van to smell damp.

Vanlifer breakfast

On the menu this morning is a breakfast wrap. We love making this because we can make it all in one pan, so there’s less washing up! This means less work and less water use! By washing up as soon as we eat it means food doesn’t dry onto the plates. We can clean them easily while using less water and energy (from our water pump)

We feel it’s important to try and create the least amount of waste we can. One because we want to work towards a more sustainable lifestyle and two because we only have a small bin! Breakfast wraps are great for using up whatever leftovers you have!

We get the leftover veg from last night, potato and some spring onions, from our cool box. Not having a large fridge can be a bit of a pain and means we have to shop for fresh produce more regularly. We don’t have a freezer either so plan our meals carefully to minimise waste. Our 3 way coolbox has done us well so far though.

Once the veg has been chopped we add them to our pan with some olive oil. Mark starts slicing the bacon and we add that too. Once nice and crispy, we push it all over to one side of the pan and crack in 2 fresh eggs. We managed to buy some on the drive down from a driveway with a little honesty box outside, so they are super fresh. We stir them round til we get some perfect scrambled eggs. Then for the fun part – the assembly! We place cheese in the tortillas into and load them up with the scrumminess from the pan. Add a squirt of ketchup and wrap them up!


I do love a smoothie with breakfast. I feel like I can get in lots of nutrients and it leaves me feeling revitalised and full of energy. We are lucky enough to have a blender in our van but it does use a lot of energy. There isn’t a hook up at this campsite, we need to be careful with our battery use as we want to use our oven later. Luckily we have a Xyliss too. This is our favourite van kitchen gadget. We use it to chop veg, make sauces, we have even used it for mashed potato before. It’s a definite game changer. We’re lucky it creates a lovely smoothie too! Here’s a link to our favourite one.


After letting our breakfast go down we head out again. There are lots of walking routes round here with absolutely stunning views. It’s so amazing to see little bunnies dashing in and out of the bushes, the birds flitting about singing to each other. The British countryside has so much to offer.

Tiny home lunch


We’re back at the van in time for a brew and some lunch. While spending some time off-grid is amazing, it means we have to be mindful of the amount of power we are using and the water we use. Our van has a small water tank and so we have to fill it up quite regularly. We decide we will fill it up after we have eaten.

There are some wraps left from breakfast so we decide to make some tortilla pizzas. We have a tin of tomatoes which we are using for our dinner later. Mark opens it and takes what we need to make the sauce for our lunch, putting the rest aside for later.

The toppings today are some mozzarella and goats cheese. We fry some onions in a little brown sugar to go on the top. They won’t take long to cook in our oven, about 5 minutes each. This is just as well as the oven uses a fair bit of power. Being as we have been parked up since last night the batteries won’t have had a recharge. We cook our pizzas and sit down to enjoy them. Van pizzas are the best, so many different ways of making them! We usually make these with a flatbread but they work well with so many different types of bread.


As we finish eating we hear the all too familiar pitter patter sound of raindrops on the roof. Looking outside we see the heavens have decided to open – as is usually the case with British weather. The water will have to wait.

A cosy afternoon hankering down in the van is needed. We always come prepared with books and games, and we do have a tv we can watch. We decide to raid our games cupboard. Mark pulls out a game he clearly thinks I am destined to lose called ‘Bucket of doom’. Upon reading the instructions it becomes clear that you need at least 3 players for this game. It will have to wait for another adventure – what a shame!

Instead we decide on a game of bears vs babies. This game can sometimes lead to an intense debate as we are both adamant we won the first time we played this game. (Obviously I won, but Mark said it was a practice round). This time it is uneventful apart from Mark continuing his reign as current champion. The rain seems to have eased off and we contact the campsite owner to ask about water and he kindly tells us where we can fill up. We start up the van and travel across the campsite to fill up. We want to make sure we have enough to wash up later and brush our teeth. A thorough wash at the sink (with cold water!) is required later, as we have no shower. By topping up we know we will be able to remain squeaky clean.


When we get back to the pitch the rain still hasn’t made a reappearance so we decide to light a fire. We use our bbq to build it in. We are really cautious as the ground has been extremely dry prior to the rain. The last thing we want is to scorch the ground or cause a wildfire.

We get our camping chairs out and enjoy sitting around the fire and chatting. There’s something quite mesmerising about a fire and the time passes by quite quickly.

Dinner of a vanlifer

We decide we should start making some dinner. Mark’s cooking this evening, which means I can keep my feet up and read my book. He’s making a vegetable curry with butternut squash as the main ingredient. A butternut is hard enough to chop in a large fully equipped kitchen, let alone in a van kitchen so I take my hat off to him there. If we are going to have a lot of peelings we use them for vegetable stock, otherwise I take them home to put in my food waste bin.


The smells coming from the van are divine. We have the door open plus an extractor fan above our kitchen so there will be no curry smells on our bedding when we climb into bed later. We’ve got an article on our website with tips and tricks for keeping cooking smells out the camper, so we consider ourselves experts now 😉

That curry has to be one of the best I have ever eaten, we will definitely need to make it again.


The fire has died down now, we are just waiting for nature to put on it’s very own light show and have an evening stargazing. I slip in and put the kettle on the stove and sort us out a cup of tea each. A cup of tea wouldn’t be the same without a biscuit or two! We wrap up in blankets and wait to see the stars.


As we head into the van to get ready for bed, we check the power and see we have enough to watch a bit of tv before dozing off in our super cosy tiny home!


Cooking in a tiny home can present some challenges, limited space, appliances, power and water just to name some. We love the challenge of cooking in a tiny kitchen and we feel it makes us more creative with our food. We have found some really cool gadgets to help make life easier and we really enjoy it. Be sure to add your favourite recipes to the site to inspire others.

Sophie x

Just how Smart is Just Smart Kitchenware? – A review


Just Smart Kitchenware sent us some products to review in our van. Read more to see just how smart we think their products are…

A little about Just Smart Kitchenware…

Just smart kitchenware have shops in the UK, Australia & Germany. The company was created by Jacquie in Australia. She was travelling in a trailer and realised there was a gap in the market for van kitchen storage. As such they specialise in creating kitchenware for tiny kitchens, motorhomes, vanlifers etc.

There are 3 features of their products that have come to define them as ‘smart’

  1. Smart in space
  2. Smart in function
  3. Smart in Quality


Smart because when not in use the fold flat to minimise the storage space required. Collapses to 1/3 of it’s original size.


The tubs have 2 uses, they can be used for storage and can be used for cooking. Temperature resistant.


Made from premium quality silicone!

With that in mind the products in this review are 2 sets of collapsible silicone tubs. A large set and a small set! Each set contains 2 tubs each with a branded lid that hook onto the bases.

Just Smart Kitchenware Product Features

  • Space saving. When not in use they fold almost completely flat, making storing them in a van kitchen a breeze. 4 or 5 folded tubs can fit in the same space as one conventional reusable tub easily. 
  • They are lightweight and reusable. 
  • These tubs can be used in the fridge, freezer and oven. They can also go straight from freezer to the oven.
  • The products are made of premium grade silicone, which is safe for food. 

Are the Just Smart Kitchenware products suitable for vanlife?

Hell yeah! These products were designed with tiny living in mind. If you are limited on space these are pretty ideal for you.

Here is why we think these products would be perfect for any van kitchen.


We bang on about sustainable vanlife a lot here at vanlife eats. The Just Smart Kitchenware tubs can be washed and reused over and over again, goodbye plastic tubs! Reducing plastic use is something we feel passionate about. We try to minimise the plastic use in our van. This includes plastic tubs, they eventually stain and/or warp meaning they need to be replaced.

Another thing we try to do is reduce food waste. One way of doing this is to make sure you eat up those leftovers. Every van should have a set of tubs so any leftovers can be stored properly and used the next day.

vanlife food storage


Living in a tiny home, can mean tiny storage space! That is where the Just Smart Kitchenware tubs really shine. When not in use they collapse almost completely flat.

Each product is lightweight, meaning no extra weight in your van. They are also useful for taking out on walks, hikes etc because of this. When opened the tubs are nice and deep, meaning you can store many different things in them.

The silicone material means it is easy and safe to stack them up with no worry of breakages. Ideal when you’re home is a home on wheels.


Some advice we hear often about van kitchens is, every item in your van should have at least 2 uses. Minimalist living can mean packing light and having products that can be used in multiple ways is always a bonus.

These tubs can be used for storing leftovers, and for cooking in the oven (if you’re lucky enough to have one in your van!) They can also be used for baking bread and cakes.

What else did we like about the Just Smart Kitchenware tubs?

We have been impressed by these tubs. One thing we expected was the silicone to stain. At one point we stored chopped beetroot in one of the small tubs. Afterwards there was no stain and it didn’t even require scrubbing when washing up.

They are super easy to clean! Every part of the product is easy to clean, with no areas for bugs to linger. We heated up some food up in them and even then cleaning afterwards was a breeze. No food residue to scrub at all. This is a definite bonus when washing up in a van as it saves water when washing up.

The large tubs are ideal for taking on a picnic, while the smaller tubs are a great size for chopped fruit. Perfect for a packed lunch box.

What didn’t we like about the Just Smart Kitchenware tubs?

Before they arrived we were worried they may be flimsy, being as they are collapsible. However the wire in the rim makes them feel pretty sturdy. After using them the only time we had concerns was when storing soup in them. We’re big soup fans, especially at this time of the year. We tested the tubs with soup and there was a slight leak. We filled with water to test them and I applied a little too much pressure which sent the water everywhere – oops!

Due to this we wouldn’t recommend using them to transport soups or food products with a lot of liquid in them. For everything else though they are fab!

The design is quite plain, they are a plain grey with the logo in one corner. Some people like the minimalistic and simplistic look and so these are ideal. If you prefer a more colourful pop in your van then these may not be the tubs for you.


We will definitely carry on using these in our van, you hardly know they are there until you need them due to the space saving design.

They are great for using for excess leftovers, prepped vegetables etc. As well as that they have come in handy for snack pots for the children.

Part-time vanlifers could definitely use these for meal prep and cut vegetables etc beforehand to take with them.

If you would like to try these products, head to our store to find the best place to purchase

We do not receive payment for reviews although we may have been sent the product free of charge. We do this to ensure you only ever read our honest opinion.

Featured Vanlifers – Shanti Nomads

Our latest featured vanlifers are Sacha & Derek of @shanti_nomads_. They are a Maltese and Gozitan couple and are currently travelling around Queensland Australia in their van.

One of the reasons they purchased the van they have is because it had an oven. These vanlifers love to cook and so this meant they could continue to make delicious food!

Read more about their travels, check out their recipes at @shanti_nomads_ and be sure to give them a follow on Insta!

Sacha and derek

Does your van have a name?

Nasi our first date was in Varanasi in India, so we shortened it to Nasi!

Which country are you based in currently?

Queensland, Australia.

Do you travel in your van part-time or full-time?


Where is the best place you have stayed in your van?

Bunya Mountains/Inskip Point

Describe your van kitchen set-up?

So we have a gas oven with 2 burners, I have all my spices and cutleries in one of the drawers and a 40 Ltr Fridge. The most important is our French press coffee maker! But our favourite cook ups are the ones done on the fire ( where we are allowed to light one up )

shanti outdoor

What couldn’t you live without in your van kitchen?

Non stick pan

What 3 food items do you always have in your van pantry?

Coffee, Cheese, garlic

shanti outdoors

What is your go to van meal?

Cold cuts and cheese platter. (quick, fulfilling and easy to clean)

What is the best meal you have made in your van?

For Sacha it’s Ramen and for Derek it’s his famous chicken parma.

shanti van

Have you had any cooking disasters in your van?

When I try to cook rice, I never cook it perfectly and we always have soooo much rice left over! lol

Do you have any funny vanlife stories?

One time we were driving and the reel of the fishing rods got stuck in a tree and we were driving with the reel behind us on the highway! We had to stop and roll it back lol

And when a mouse decided to live in our van, and everyday we find something bitten, we named it Sir.Shitalot (cause that was another thing we were finding everywhere) and went to the supermarket and got a trap and we got rid of it.

We had another visitor one time, we woke up and found a wallaby on our outdoor mattress chilling.! He was so cute, but later in the day we found out that he broke it!

Instagram: @shanti_nomads_



Want to be featured on

To apply for a featured post on vanlifeeats.com simply follow this link and fill out the application form. We promote all featured van lifers across all our social media networks, we send out a “featured Van Lifer” sticker for your van as well as awarding you a prestigious badge for your profile on our website.

Featured Vanlifers – Carrie & Glyn

Carrie & Glyn live full-time in their motorhome with their dog Buttons, they have had their van for 4 years. Currently they travel the UK in the van when not working. Next year they are planning on working on a campsite for part of the year and travelling the remaining months so make sure you follow them on Instagram @freespirit_c_g to follow their adventures.

Carrie has a real passion for ‘van baking’ Her baking achievements have been well documented in our Van Bake Off and she has won star baker several times. Make sure to check back to see if she gets crowned overall winner! Read more to find out more about their life in their van.

The favourite place you have visited in your van?

Isle of Mull

3 Vanlife Kitchen pantry essentials…

Pasta, baking ingredients & herbs and spices.

Describe the kitchen set-up in your van.

In my kitchen I have a full size cooker and a small 3 way fridge, no freezer. A well stocked cupboard of dry and baking ingredients, tinned foods and under floor cool storage for vegetables, gin and beers. We have a 70 litre fresh water tank so have hot and cold running water which is much more convenient.

What is your favourite meal to make in your van?

Our favourite meal to cook (and eat!) in the van is a sunday lunch with homemade Yorkshire puddings, mashed potatoes and veg. I don’t cook a joint of meat though I buy a few slices of meat from the butcher.

Do you have a vanlife go-to meal?

We have 2 go to meals…. the first a stew with loads of root vegetables and dumplings or homemade bread, which I normally cook the day before we plan a full day out. The second is smoked salmon and pasta in a creme fraiche sauce which from start to finish takes around 12 minutes.

What couldn’t you live without in your van?

I couldn’t be without my oven even though there are many ways to cook, because of the amount and variety of baking I do.

Have you had any cooking disasters in the van?

So far I have never had a baking or cooking disaster, although when we first moved into the van I thought it would be a good idea to buy a full chicken to roast. I chose the hottest day and I wasn’t really familiar with the temperature control. It wasn’t as good as the gas cooker I had in our house so it took quite a lot longer to cook. All ended up good and we enjoyed the meal but it’s a long standing joke about roasting a chicken now.

Any funny vanlife stories?

When we first built the van we put a slideout on the back. Our bed was in this area, when travelling it stored upright against the back wall of the slideout.

Even though we had seals fitted whenever it rained water found its way in. One night at around 2am during a very heavy downpour we woke to find the rain had found a new way in and it felt like we were laid in a burst water bed! Whatever we did to try and stop the water coming in we failed so removed the slide out, fitted a solid, watertight back on, added a garage and a fixed bed. We can now confidently say we always have a very comfortable nights sleep however heavy the rain comes down!

Instagram: @freespirit_c_g

Make sure to check out their delicious recipes HERE including the star baker recipes!

Want to be featured on

To apply for a featured post on vanlifeeats.com simply follow this link and fill out the application form. We promote all featured van lifers across all our social media networks, we send out a “featured Van Lifer” sticker for your van as well as awarding you a prestigious badge for your profile on our website.

Vegan Moroccan Tajine


This vegan Moroccan tajine is a great way of using up leftovers, as you can add anything you want! This recipe is vegan but being as you can add what you want it can be meat based also.

Vegan Moroccan Tagine

Vegan, Vegetarian
It very much depends on the size of your tagine and your personal taste to the amounts you use. This recipe is a vegan recipe but meat and fish can be added if desired.
5 from 1 vote
Leftovers – No fridge – One-pan – Stove top meal
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Course Dinner, Main Course, Outdoor
Servings 2
Diet Vegan, Vegetarian


  • Tagine


  • 2-3 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 Potatoes
  • 2 Carrots
  • 1 bulb Garlic
  • 1 cup Olives
  • 2 tbsp Almonds
  • 10 Prunes
  • 1 Pepper
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 tsp Cumin Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Coriander Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Chilli Powder
  • 1/2 cup Water


  • Put a layer of olive oil in the base of the tagine.
  • Cut up enough onions to cover the base. Don’t cut the onions too finely, nice and chunky is good!
  • Cover onions in good amount of Cumin.
  • Cover the onions with some potatoes, keep them a good size unless you want to cook the tagine as quickly as possible in which case cut them up into small pieces. Add some more olive oil.
  • Take a bulb of garlic and separate all the cloves and place them around the outside of the potatoes.
  • In the middle of the tagine make a pile of first olives then prunes and then almonds.
  • Sprinkle some chilli powder over the fruit and nuts.
  • Cut carrots into sticks and lean them up against your pile of fruit and nuts to create what looks a bit like a teepee.
  • Place slices of pepper around the carrots. Add some more olive oil.
  • Sprinkle the lot with Coriander powder.
  • Take a whole lemon and cut into quarters and place on top of your ingredients. Cover with more cumin powder.
  • Add some water, not too much! People often add too much water, we prefer more oil, less water. Half a cup full for a small to medium tagine and three quarters of a cup for a large tagine should be plenty.
  • You should have piled your ingredients up so as it fits inside the conical lid of the tajine.
  • Put the lid on and cook on the coals of an open fire or gas burner for around three quarters of an hour on gas but up to a couple of hours on coals. Test potatoes and carrots during cooking with a sharp knife to know when they are soft enough to eat.


Calories: 635kcalCarbohydrates: 91gProtein: 10gFat: 30gSaturated Fat: 4gPolyunsaturated Fat: 4gMonounsaturated Fat: 21gSodium: 1126mgPotassium: 1757mgFiber: 16gSugar: 28gVitamin A: 11028IUVitamin C: 79mgCalcium: 175mgIron: 4mg
Keyword Moroccan, one pot, open fire, tagine, Tajine, vegan, vegetarian
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Spaghetti and homemade meatballs

Spaghetti and meatballs

Spaghetti and homemade meatballs

Meat Based
An Italian classic of spaghetti and meatballs! Great tasting dish, if you don't have an oven or the time to make your own meatballs, grab some shop bought ones and add them to the sauce in the pan!
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Dinner
Servings 2
Diet Meat Based


  • Oven


For the meatballs

  • 400 g Mince meat
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 cup Breadcrumbs or blended oats
  • 1 tbsp Basil
  • 1 tbsp Oregano
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 1 tsp Pepper
  • 1/2 Medium Courgette
  • 1 Carrot (Medium size)

For the sauce

  • 1 Tin of tomatoes
  • 1 Onion diced
  • 1 Clove of Garlic
  • 1 sprinkle Basil
  • 1 sprinkle Oregano
  • 1 dash Balsamic vinegar
  • 1 Vegetable stock cube
  • 1 tsp Sugar
  • 140 g Spaghetti
  • 50 g Parmesan


For the meatballs

  • Pre heat the oven to 180C or gas mark 7. In a large bowl mix the meat, egg, breadcrumbs, herbs, salt, pepper, carrot and courgette. With wet hands take a small handful and smush into a ball slightly larger than a golf ball size. You should be able to make 12.
  • Place onto an oiled baking dish/casserole pot and pop in the oven.

For the Sauce

  • Dice the onion and chuck into a pan with a splash of olive oil. Once the onions have started to go translucent add the garlic and a sprinkle of oregano and basil. After a couple of minutes add a splash of Balsamic (you can use red wine instead). Add the tin of tomatoes and then fill the tin 3/4 with water and add to the pan. Crumble in the stock cube and bring to the boil.
  • Once boiling reduce to a simmer and sprinkle in the sugar.
  • Leave to simmer for about 20minutes and the sauce should have thickened up.
  • Take the meatballs out the oven and turn them over to help them cook evenly. Add the thickened sauce to the meatball dish and grate some parmesan on top. Pop it back in the oven for another 10 minutes.
  • Whilst the meatballs are finishing up in the oven bring a pan of salted water to the boil and cook your spaghetti as per the instructions. Serve up the pasta and spoon on the meatballs and sauce. Enjoy!


If you would like to make a vegetarian version of this recipe then blitz harricot beans and add instead of the meat, you may need to add more breadcrumbs if its too sloppy.


Calories: 1277kcalCarbohydrates: 256gProtein: 35gFat: 13gSaturated Fat: 6gPolyunsaturated Fat: 2gMonounsaturated Fat: 3gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 99mgSodium: 2336mgPotassium: 685mgFiber: 13gSugar: 148gVitamin A: 5645IUVitamin C: 15mgCalcium: 510mgIron: 6mg
Keyword italian, meatballs, pasta
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Fresh and Simple Tofu and Veggie Stir Fry


Fresh and Simple Tofu and Veggie Stir Fry

Vegan, Vegetarian
Does exactly what is says on the tin - fresh & simple! Use up your favourite vegetables, and a great way to use up leftovers. This recipe uses broccoli, onions, chickpeas & water chestnuts.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Dinner
Servings 2
Diet Vegan, Vegetarian


  • Veggies of your choice
  • 3/4 cup Rice or rice noodles
  • 400 g Firm tofu cubed
  • 2 splash avocado oil
  • 2 tbsp Soy sauce
  • 1/2 inch Fresh ginger peeled chopped
  • 1 clove Fresh garlic chopped
  • Chili paste
  • 2 tsp Sesame oil
  • 2 Shallots
  • 1 tbsp Sesame seeds


  • Start by cooking your rice.
  • Next the veggies. Heat up a wok or large pan and add a splash of cooking oil (we use avocado oil). Add the onions and let them cook a minute before mixing in the rest of your veggies.
  • In a cast iron pan heat cooking oil on medium and add the cubed tofu. Flip the tofu on all sides if you desire browning.
  • Make the dressing while everything is cooking: Finely chop up ginger, garlic and shallot and place it in a small bowl. Mix in a generous portion of soy sauce and ~2tsp of sesame oil (add optional chili spice).
  • Once the tofu is browned and cooked to your liking and veggies are nearly done, add the tofu and dressing to the veggies.
  • Serve veggies and tofu on top of rice. Top with sesame seeds.


Fancy additions- (ok, they’re not too fancy.. but some variations)– add pineapple for additional sweetness or try water chestnuts for some extra crunch. We will also top the stir fry with roasted chickpeas for more protein.


Calories: 521kcalCarbohydrates: 67gProtein: 26gFat: 16gSaturated Fat: 2gPolyunsaturated Fat: 8gMonounsaturated Fat: 6gSodium: 1021mgPotassium: 233mgFiber: 4gSugar: 3gVitamin A: 1IUVitamin C: 3mgCalcium: 324mgIron: 4mg
Keyword quick, Simple, tofu, tofu and veggie stir fry, vegan, vegetarian
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Grab-n-Go Surf Ball’z


Grab-n-Go Surf Ball’z

Vegan, Vegetarian
These little balls are perfect for an on the go snack!
5 from 1 vote
Family friendly - No cook - Prep ahead - Solo travel
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Snacks
Servings 10
Diet Vegan, Vegetarian


  • Fridge


  • 1/2 cup Flaxseed Meal
  • 1 cup Rolled Oats
  • 1/2 cup Crunchy Peanut Butter
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Ground Cinnamon
  • 1 Ground Nutmeg
  • 1 Ground Allspice
  • 1 Ground Cloves
  • 8 The Gooiest Dates You Can Find
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Cream
  • 1 Sea Salt


  • Measure out all ingredients and add everything except for the dates into a large mixing bowl.
  • Chop the dates into the small pieces. This is where things can get a bit sticky…try to make the pieces as small as possible.
  • Pull the date pieces apart and spread evenly across the top of the other ingredients in the bowl (this will make mixing all ingredients together easier).
  • Mix all ingredients together using your hands until you’ve achieved an even consistency and ingredients have been thoroughly blended together. Prepare to get a little messy.
  • Roll the mixture into small balls and place in a container to cool in the fridge or cooler (or just eat them now like raw cookie dough).


Calories: 245kcalCarbohydrates: 26gProtein: 6gFat: 15gSaturated Fat: 5gPolyunsaturated Fat: 4gMonounsaturated Fat: 4gSodium: 66mgPotassium: 366mgFiber: 6gSugar: 14gVitamin A: 30IUVitamin C: 0.4mgCalcium: 48mgIron: 2mg
Keyword breakfast, cookie, easy prep, healthy, No-Bake, Pre-workout, snacks, vegan
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Van Bake off Triple Chocolate Orange Drizzle Cake


This incredible triple chocolate orange drizzle cake was a winner in the 2020 Van Bake off. With good reason, what an amazing cake. All made in a motorhome, and ideal to enjoy with a cup of tea! The baker Carrie and her husband Glyn went on to be featured on our website, which you can read right here!

Van Bake off Triple Chocolate Orange Drizzle Cake

This recipe was selected as star baker for chocolate week in van bake off 2020. It certainly has the wow factor!!
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Baking
Servings 12
Diet Vegetarian


  • Oven


For the cake batter

  • 6 oz Butter
  • 6 oz Caster sugar
  • 3 Eggs
  • 6 oz Self-raising flour
  • 2 tbsp Cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp Milk

For the icing

  • 100 g White chocolate
  • 200 g Icing sugar
  • 100 g Butter

For the orange drizzle

  • 1/4 cup Orange juice
  • 1/4 cup Sugar


For the cake

  • Cream together butter and sugar. Slowly add eggs with a little of the flour. Fold in remaining flour, cocoa and choc chips.
  • Divide between 2 lined cake tins. Bake for 30 mins in a pre-heated oven at gas 4.

For the orange drizzle

  • While cakes are cooling put juice and sugar in a pan and heat, stirring until sugar has dissolved. Spoon over both cakes.

For the icing

  • Cream together butter and icing sugar. Add slightly cooled melted chocolate.
  • Use half of the cream for centre of the cake and the remainder for top and sides.
  • A
  • Add some chocolate curls


Calories: 415kcalCarbohydrates: 51gProtein: 4gFat: 22gSaturated Fat: 14gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 6gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 91mgSodium: 186mgPotassium: 86mgFiber: 1gSugar: 40gVitamin A: 639IUVitamin C: 3mgCalcium: 35mgIron: 1mg
Keyword Baking, Cake, chocolate, orange, van bake off
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Cold Veggie Noodle Salad


Cold Veggie Noodle Salad

This salad can be prepped before any road trip, making it an ideal lunch to throw together when ready. Add the fresh ingredients when ready to serve!
5 from 2 votes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Lunch
Servings 2
Diet Vegetarian


For the salad

  • 4 oz Angel hair pasta
  • 1 Bell pepper
  • 1 Green onion
  • 1/2 Cabbage
  • 1/2 Cucumber
  • 1 tbsp Sesame seeds

For the dressing

  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/2 inch Fresh ginger
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • 3 tbsp Soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp Sesame seed oil
  • 1/2 tbsp Chili Oil to taste


  • Prep your noodle salad before you hit the road! Boil the angel hair pasta until it is cooked al dente (not mushy!). TIP: Rinse the pasta in cold water to keep it from sticking together (thanks Nana D’Alessio)
  • You can make your dressing while the pasta is cooking. Mince or finely chop fresh garlic and ginger and put it in the bottom of a small glass container. Add a teaspoon or two of olive oil (add sesame and chili oil to taste) and top it off with a generous portion of soy sauce.
  • Put your cooked noodles into a large glass storage container. Add some olive oil and chopped peppers and green onion. You can also add half of the dressing here if you would like.
  • Slice up cucumber and chop fresh purple cabbage and store them for later.
  • On the road: We love this salad because it is a simple, healthy meal that we can grab quickly on a long driving day. We pop the salad out of the fridge, dish out our portions and then top them off with fresh veggies (cucumbers and cabbage), some sesame seeds and a little extra dressing.We hope you enjoy!


Calories: 556kcalCarbohydrates: 64gProtein: 15gFat: 28gSaturated Fat: 4gPolyunsaturated Fat: 6gMonounsaturated Fat: 16gSodium: 1559mgPotassium: 846mgFiber: 10gSugar: 13gVitamin A: 2200IUVitamin C: 163mgCalcium: 169mgIron: 4mg
Keyword asian noodle salad, cold noodles, cucumber noodle salad, noodle salad, noodles, vegan noodles, vegetarian, vegetarian noodles
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Avocado Mushroom Crostini


This avocado mushroom crostini recipe is a great way to use up slightly stale bread. The perfect campervan recipe for sharing round the fire

Avocado Mushroom Crostini

Vegan, Vegetarian
This vegan recipe is super tasty, and a great way to impress your friends round the campfire!
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Course Lunch, Snacks
Servings 2
Diet Vegan, Vegetarian


  • 1 Baguette doesn't matter if it's stale
  • 400 g Mushrooms
  • Sage
  • 1 Avocado
  • 1 pinch Salt n pepper
  • 1 Onion chopped
  • 1 clove Garlic
  • 1/2 Lime juice only
  • Oil


  • Heat oil in a pan, add garlic and onions. saute for 1-2 minutes.
  • Add sliced mushrooms and salt n pepper and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Toast the bread in a pan and roast some sage.
  • While the bread and the sage are getting roasted, mash the avocado in a bowl.
  • Add salt n pepper, garlic salt and lime juice and mix everything.
  • Take the toasted bread and top them with the mashed avocado and with the prepared mushroom mixture and garnish with sage.


Calories: 573kcalCarbohydrates: 85gProtein: 20gFat: 20gSaturated Fat: 3gPolyunsaturated Fat: 4gMonounsaturated Fat: 11gSodium: 805mgPotassium: 1364mgFiber: 14gSugar: 8gVitamin A: 156IUVitamin C: 24mgCalcium: 136mgIron: 5mg
Keyword autumn, avocado, camp fire, camp fire cooking, crostini, fall recipe
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Double Chocolate Banana Muffins


Double Chocolate Banana Muffins

We always seem to buy bananas, they don’t get eaten and end up looking sad and brown on the side. We wouldn’t want to waste them so using them up in cakes is ideal!
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Course Baking
Servings 10
Diet Vegetarian



  • 120 g All Purpose Flour
  • 1 1/4 tsp Baking powder
  • 20 g Cocoa Powder
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 1 1/2 Ripe bananas
  • 75 g Granulated white sugar
  • 60 ml Oil
  • 1 Large Egg
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 100 g Milk chocolate chunks
  • 1/2 Small banana


  • Mix the flour, cocoa powder and salt together.
  • In a separate bowl mash the banana and mix in the sugar. Then add the oil until combined.
  • Add the egg and vanilla. Do not over-mix, just let the mixture combine.
  • Stir in the dry ingredients, again taking care not to over mix.
  • Fold in 60g of the chocolate chips and the chopped banana.
  • You will need to cook in 2 batches if using the Omnia oven. We did 5 at a time. Use the silicone mould, we used muffin cases also.
  • Fill the cases about 3/4 full. Sprinkle some of the chocolate chunks on the top of each muffin (reserving some to put in your mouth while baking 😉 )
  • Put the Omnia over a high flame for 5 minutes. Reduce the heat and cook for a further 15-20 minutes. Once the first batch is cooked switch the flame off, take the lid off the Omnia and leave for 10 minutes. The muffins will continue to cook during this time.
  • For the second batch the oven will still be hot, so you may need to reduce the baking time, still bake for 5 minutes over a high flame initially as this helps your muffin get it’s dome.


Calories: 217kcalCarbohydrates: 29gProtein: 3gFat: 11gSaturated Fat: 3gPolyunsaturated Fat: 2gMonounsaturated Fat: 5gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 17mgSodium: 119mgPotassium: 191mgFiber: 2gSugar: 14gVitamin A: 44IUVitamin C: 2mgCalcium: 44mgIron: 2mg
Keyword Baking, banana, cakes, chocolate, muffins, sweet
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Van Bake off Burger buns

These awesome burger buns were the winners of bake off 2020, week 3, bread week. Although they take a little time, they are worth it! Here’s what the chefs in question had to say…

‘I organized myself in order to have freshly baked buns for lunch. I started at 2.30 pm the day before in order to use less yeast and make these buns easier to digest. You can double the amount of yeast and start early in the morning. It is up to you. It all depends on whether or not you have access to a fridge for an overnight rest’.

Van Bake off Burger buns

This recipe is a winning star baker recipe for Van Bake Off 2020. These burger buns take a while to prove, but the end result is definitely worth it! This burger bun recipe makes 9-10 buns
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Proving time 19 hours 30 minutes
Total Time 20 hours
Course Baking
Servings 10
Diet Vegetarian


  • 520 g Manitoba Flour
  • 3 g Active dry yeast
  • 30 g Caster sugar
  • 8 g Salt
  • 60 g Butter
  • 260 ml Full cream milk
  • 2 Large eggs
  • 16 g Extra virgin olive oil
  • Extra egg & sesame seeds for finishing touches


  • Slowly pour the wet ingredients into the bowl, stirring energetically with your hands to avoid lumps. Start with the milk, then the oil, the whisked eggs, and the soft butter for last. The mixture will be wet, but don’t worry! On the contrary… the hydration of the dough will give the bun its softness. If you have trouble handling it, wet your hands with a little bit of oil and keep working.
  • Transfer the dough to your work surface, knead for a couple of minutes and let it rest for 5 in order to reach a less tenacious and more elastic dough. You will find it easier to handle. Make the reinforcement folds and let it rest again, this time for 30 minutes, covered with plastic wrap to prevent the surface from drying out and creating an annoying crust. Make another round of folds (the last one, I promise) and place in the refrigerator in a lightly oiled container, with an airtight lid, to rest overnight (16 hours in total). I use Sistema, but the only important thing is that the dough will rise even at 4C therefore the container must be large enough to allow the increase in volume
  • At 7.30 am (the next morning), make your 9 | 10 balls and let them rise at room temperature on top of your baking tray lined with baking paper. The buns will keep rising, even during cooking, and for such reason, you should leave enough space between them so they don’t join together. I organised 2 trays, one with 4 buns and the other with 5.
  • After 3 hours (should be around 11 am), whisk another egg, gently brush your buns and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake in a static oven at 200 degrees C for 14/16 minutes (depending on the size of the bun you have chosen). I have the compact Breville Smart Oven Pro and I usually start cooking in the middle rack and then move the tray to the lowest level for the last 3/4 minutes. Leave the bread rolls to rest on a wire rack and enjoy.


Calories: 56kcalCarbohydrates: 5gProtein: 2gFat: 3gSaturated Fat: 1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 35mgSodium: 341mgPotassium: 60mgFiber: 1gSugar: 5gVitamin A: 84IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 43mgIron: 1mg
Keyword Baking, bread, buns, burgers, vegetarian
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Raw chocolate and peppermint tarts


This recipe is vegan, and uses all raw natural ingredients. A fabulous recipe from our featured @vinny_the_van_diesel, read their feature right here!

Vegan chocolate peppermint tarts

Raw chocolate and peppermint tarts

Vegan, Vegetarian
These indulgent yet super healthy sweet treats are so easy to make. Even better they are vegan, which means no-one has to miss out on these tasty treats.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 8 hours
Cook Time 2 minutes
Chilling time 8 hours
Total Time 16 hours 2 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 6
Diet Vegan, Vegetarian



  • 3/4 cup Desiccated coconut
  • 1/4 cup Pepita seeds
  • 1/4 cup Cashew
  • 5.5 tbsp Coconut oil
  • 3 tbsp Rice malt syrup/ or maple
  • 2 tbsp Raw Cacao powder
  • 1/2 cup Sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 cup Dates
  • 3 Dark Cacao butter
  • 2 drop Peppermint food grade essential oil


  • Soak sunflower seeds and dates separately overnight at room temp.
  • Blend cashews and Pepitas till ground and add desicated coconut and 1 tblspn raw cacao powder. 3.5 tblspn coconut oil and 2 tblspn rice malt syrup.
  • Smoosh together with your hands with a pinch of salt and press into tart moulds or line a tray (to make into a slice)
  • Set in fridge Blend together drained sunflower seeds, 1 Tablespn raw cacao powder and drained soaked dates (adding one tablespoon of date soaking liquid)
  • Over a double boiler slowly melt coconut oil, cacao butter, rice malt syrup and 2 Tblspn coconut oil.
  • Blend into date mixture and add 2 drops of peppermint oil. Layer onto the set base mixture and set in fridge over night.


Calories: 357kcalCarbohydrates: 25gProtein: 6gFat: 29gSaturated Fat: 18gPolyunsaturated Fat: 4gMonounsaturated Fat: 5gTrans Fat: 1gSodium: 14mgPotassium: 293mgFiber: 5gSugar: 15gVitamin A: 7IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 29mgIron: 2mg
Keyword cheesecake, chocolate, dessert, Easy, raw, vegan
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Pumpkin Prosciutto Crostini


This delicious recipe of pumpkin prosciutto crostini is a great way to use up leftover bread. Also a great way to use up pumpkin if pumpkin carving. This dish was cooked over an open fire, but can be made inside the van too.

Pumpkin Prosciutto Crostini

Forest Food Stories
Meat Based
Pumpkin Prosciutto Crostini, a great recipe for cooking outdoors or vanlifers who like to cook indoors too!
5 from 1 vote
10 Ingredients or less - Leftovers - Open fire
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Course Lunch, Outdoor, Snacks
Servings 2
Diet Meat Based


  • bread
  • sage
  • prosciutto crudo
  • 400 g pumpkin
  • 10 g butter
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 1/2 lemon juice only
  • salt n pepper to taste


  • Remove the seeds and skin from the pumpkin and cut into small pieces.
  • Boil the pumpkin till tender.
  • Mash the pumpkin until smooth, add coconut milk, butter and lemon juice. salt and pepper to taste.
  • Roast sage and prosciutto and put everything on a toasted bread. enjoy!


This is a great way to use stale bread, just toast in a pan before you smother it in the delicious toppings!


Calories: 190kcalCarbohydrates: 17gProtein: 3gFat: 15gSaturated Fat: 12gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.3gMonounsaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0.2gCholesterol: 11mgSodium: 41mgPotassium: 824mgFiber: 2gSugar: 6gVitamin A: 17157IUVitamin C: 33mgCalcium: 59mgIron: 3mg
Keyword autumn, crostini, crostinirecipe, fall recipe, Outdoor, pumpkin
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Omnia cheddar & spring onion loaf


cheddar onion loaf

Omnia cheddar & spring onion loaf

One of my all time favourite comfort foods is a cheese and onion crisp sandwich using white bread. This loaf brings back those memories of this after school snack with the gentle flavours of the cheese and onion.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 3 hours 30 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 4 hours 10 minutes
Course Baking, Lunch
Servings 6
Diet Vegetarian



  • 450 g White bread flour
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Golden caster sugar
  • 1 tsp Dried active yeast
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1 cup Warm water
  • 2 Spring onions
  • 40 g Mature cheddar
  • Fresh Chives


  • Mix the flour, salt and sugar into a mixing bowl. Stir in the yeast.
  • Make a well in the centre. Seperately mix the warm water and oil together and then pour into the well. Bring together with a knife or spoon and then get your hands stuck in to mix into a dough.
  • On a floured surface knead the bread for around 10 minutes before adding the chopped spring onions and kneading for another minute or so.
  • Place back in the mixing bowl, cover with a wet warm tea towel and leave to prove for 1-2 hours.
  • When the dough has doubled in size, take out and split into 3 equal pieces. Roll and stretch them into long ‘sausages’ and check they are the correct length to fill the Omnia.
  • Join the 3 pieces together at one end and pinch together. Sprinkle all 3 pieces with half of the grated cheese, sprinkle over the side also so it gets into the plait. Plait the bread by pulling the right strand over the middle one, then the left one over the middle one. Repeat until the loaf is plaited and then pinch the other ends tight together. (There are tutorials on YouTube if you get stuck)
  • Put the omnia silicone insert into the Omnia oven or make sure it’s well greased, we grease the silicone mold slightly too.
  • Leave in the Omnia to prove for another 30-60 minutes
  • When risen, sprinkle over the remaining cheese and finely chopped chives. Place over a medium flame for 40 mins.


Calories: 43kcalCarbohydrates: 1gProtein: 1gFat: 5gSaturated Fat: 1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 3gSodium: 195mgPotassium: 11mgFiber: 1gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 40IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 3mgIron: 1mg
Keyword Baking, bread, dinner, lunch, omnia, picnic, vegetarian
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Florentine Biscuit Bites


Florentine Biscuit Bites

These little biscuit bites give the best of both worlds, a biscuit with a delicious florentine. We made these in our Omnia oven during Van Bake Off 2020.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Baking, Dessert, Snacks
Servings 20
Diet Vegetarian



For the biscuit base

  • 85 g Butter
  • 40 g Golden caster sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 115 g Plain flour
  • 1 Ground cinnamon

For the topping

  • 25 g Butter
  • 25 g Light brown soft sugar
  • 25 g Golden syrup
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 25 g Plain flour
  • 20 g Raisins
  • 40 g Chopped nuts
  • 75 g Milk chocolate


  • Begin with the biscuit base as this will need to chill a while. Place the butter, sugar and vanilla in a bowl and beat until creamy. Add the flour and cinnamon and mix together. Make into a ball, cover and chill for around an hour.
  • While chilling, start on the florentine topping. Melt the butter, sugar, golden syrup and salt in a pan. Once melted take from the heat and mix in the flour, stir in the raisins and nuts and leave to cool.
  • Get the dough out and roll to a thickness of around 5mm, cut out circles, remembering they should be bitesize. Place a tsp of the florentine mixture on each biscuit.
  • Place in the Omnia oven (see our tip below!) and bake over a medium flame for 20mins or until the biscuit base is firm. You will need to do this in batches if not using an oven.
  • Leave to cool.
  • Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of boiling water, then dip the cooled biscuits into it, covering 1/3 – 1/2 the biscuit. Leave to set Enjoy!


We baked the biscuits in our Omnia muffin mould, we just didn't pop out the moulds and kept the ring flat. This meant the biscuits kept their shape and were easy to pop out after baking!


Calories: 101kcalCarbohydrates: 11gProtein: 1gFat: 6gSaturated Fat: 3gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 12mgSodium: 44mgPotassium: 35mgFiber: 1gSugar: 5gVitamin A: 142IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 12mgIron: 1mg
Keyword Baking, biscuits, chocolate, florentine, picnic, snacks, vegetarian
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Omnia Toffee Apple Upside Down Cake


Omnia Toffee Apple Upside Down Cake

We made this cake in our Omnia oven during Van Bake Off 2020, it’s great with a cup of tea or even served with some custard.
5 from 1 vote
Family friendly - Stove top meal
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 25 minutes
Course Baking, Dessert, Snacks
Servings 6
Diet Vegetarian



For the toffee apples

  • 7 oz Caster Sugar
  • 3 tbsp Water
  • 3 Apples

For the cake

  • 225 g Salted Butter
  • 225 g Golden caster sugar
  • 225 g Self- raising flour
  • 1/2 tsp Bicarbonate of soda
  • 4 Eggs
  • 4 tbsp Milk
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract


  • Begin by making the topping. Peel and slice the apples. In a pan put the water and sugar, begin with a low heat until it begins to bubble and then turn the heat up until it turns amber. Make sure not to stir it, as tempting as it is!
  • Put the silicone mold in the Omnia and carefully pour the sauce into it. Very carefully place the sliced apples in the sauce.
  • Start with the cake. Beat the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy. Sift the flour with the bicarbonate of soda.
  • Add 2 tbsp of the flour to the butter mixture along with 1 of the eggs.
  • Repeat this process until the flour and eggs are gone.
  • Stir in the milk and vanilla.
  • Pour the mixture into the Omnia and smooth with a metal spoon.
  • Bake over a medium flame for 50-55 mins.
  • Turn out when baked being careful of any hot caramel. Leave to cool.


Calories: 774kcalCarbohydrates: 111gProtein: 9gFat: 34gSaturated Fat: 20gPolyunsaturated Fat: 2gMonounsaturated Fat: 9gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 191mgSodium: 408mgPotassium: 199mgFiber: 3gSugar: 81gVitamin A: 1162IUVitamin C: 4mgCalcium: 49mgIron: 1mg
Keyword apple, autumn, autumnal, Baking, Cake, halloween, omnia, stove top, toffee
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Van Bake off Bagels


Van Bake off Bagels

This recipe was selected as star baker recipe during bread week of Van Bake off 2020. Bagels in a van are awesome, even better when used as burger buns!
5 from 1 vote
10 Ingredients or less
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Proving time 2 hours 10 minutes
Total Time 3 hours 25 minutes
Course Baking
Servings 8
Diet Vegetarian


  • Oven


  • 2 tsp Active dry yeast
  • 5 tsp Caster sugar
  • 3 1/2 cup Bread flour
  • 1 1/2 cup Warm water
  • 1 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1 Egg


  • Add sugar and yeast to warm water in a bowl. Leave for around 10 mins until foamy.
  • Mix salt and flour in a bowl, make a well in the middle and add the yeast mixture. Stir together until a dough forms.
  • Turn out onto a work surface and bring together and knead for around 10 mins.
  • Put a little oil in a clean bowl and leave dough mixture in a bowl covered with a damp tea towel until it has doubled in size. Approx. 2 hours.
  • Once proved, punch down and leave again for 10 mins.
  • Divide dough into 8 equal balls, roll around on work surface until you have a neat tight ball. Then, dip a finger in some flour and make a hole in the middle of each ball and stretch and shape to get a bagel shape. The hole should be about a third of the size of the diameter.
  • Heat up a large pot of boiling water, once boiling, reduce to simmer. Carefully boil each bagel, you can boil as many at the same time as you feel comfortable doing. Boil for 2 mins on each side. The longer you boil the chewier the bagel will be. 2 mins is that nice sweet spot.
  • Heat the oven to 220 degrees celsius. Once all the bagels have been boiled, place on a baking tray together. Brush beaten egg wash and bake until golden brown all over. Around 25 mins.


Calories: 225kcalCarbohydrates: 43gProtein: 8gFat: 2gSaturated Fat: 0.3gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 0.4gTrans Fat: 0.003gCholesterol: 20mgSodium: 449mgPotassium: 91mgFiber: 2gSugar: 3gVitamin A: 31IUVitamin C: 0.01mgCalcium: 14mgIron: 1mg
Keyword bagels, Baking, bread, breakfast, lunch
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Van bake off Chocolate, almond & pistachio biscotti


This recipe from van bake off 2020 won star baker for biscuit week. It requires a little effort but is definitely worth it. These are baked in an Omnia oven but can be baked in a conventional oven.

Van bake off Chocolate, almond & pistachio biscotti

Vegan, Vegetarian
This delicious recipe requires a little bit of effort but it definitely worth it! It won the title of star baker in biscuit week 2020.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 50 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Course Baking, Dessert, Snacks
Servings 12
Diet Vegan, Vegetarian



  • 1 cup Plain flour
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Cocoa Powder
  • 1/3 cup Chopped almonds
  • 1/3 cup Chopped pistachios & dark chocolate
  • 1/2 cup White caster sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 tbsp Oil
  • 3-4 tbsp Water


  • Get the omnia set up with a silicon lining in it.
  • Mix the flour, coco powder, baking powder in a bowl.
  • In a well in the middle add the sugar then add the oil and water on top
  • Mix together with a spoon from the centre, when it starts to turn into a dough get your hands in there.
  • As it starts getting solid add the nuts and chocolate and mix it through the dough (this bit is hard as the dough is thick so I ended up adding some of the extras to the dough in the next stage)
  • Split the dough into 2 logs. You need to think about the finished look of the biscotti so the log needs to be about 2 inches wide and a uniform shape all along. I found 2 logs this size fit comfortably opposite each other in the omnia.
  • Cook for 25 mins (I cooked on highest gas heat for 10 mins then turned down to medium) or until the log is firm to the touch. Then take it out and let it cool.
  • When cool carefully slice each log into slices. This bit is super hard, the mixture is crumbly so you need a good knife!
  • Pop the pieces cut side down back in the omnia lining and cook for 10 mins on each side (I cooked them at the highest heat this time). The recipe made about 12 biscuits and I could fit 6 at a time in the omnia so it takes a bit of time to do them all! But it is worth it.


This recipe can also be baked in a conventional oven


Calories: 124kcalCarbohydrates: 18gProtein: 3gFat: 5gSaturated Fat: 1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 3gTrans Fat: 1gSodium: 18mgPotassium: 84mgFiber: 1gSugar: 9gVitamin A: 14IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 26mgIron: 1mg
Keyword bakeoff, Baking, biscotti, biscuits, chocolate, vegan, vegetarian
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!