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Campervan Kitchen Power Consumption

Treating your campervan as a tiny home in todays modern world will entice you to bring a variety of electrical gadgets and appliances that we have all grown to depend on into your van.

Watching TV in the evenings, fancy coffee machines, chilled food and even blow drying your hair have all become necessities of life. 

Living in a campervan doesn’t mean these can’t be included in life’s luxuries but it does mean a little thought and planning needs to be done to ensure your van is capable of powering them.

When you are living the van life there really is little worse than being stranded in your van with no power. This means no TV, no light, no charge for your phone and worse of all no heater!

Trust me.. I’ve been in this situation and battled the war of balancing power with essential electronic devices within my van. I have spent, spent and spent and learnt expensive lessons in learning the most efficient way to power my van. 

When it comes to electrics it can be complicated so in this article I will try my very best to keep it simple and as understandable as possible.

Campervan kitchen power consumption

Many of the most power-hungry devices are found in the campervan kitchen so I will explain how to prepare your campervan or van conversion to safely run them.

When you are cooking in a campervan it is very easy to start accumulating kitchen gadgets and before you know it your cupboard space is cluttered and worst of all you can start using gadgets that consume precious battery power! 

Items such as blenders, microwaves, pressure cookers and convection ovens to name a few can really cripple your park up experience if your van is not capable to facilitate these items. 

vanlife kitchen

How much electrical power does a campervan use? 

A typical campervan running a common electrical setup consisting of internal lights, a fridge, a TV, a laptop (on charge) and a mobile phone on charge will draw approximately 20 amps per hour under a full load (all of the above switched on) and on an average load 12 amps per hour. 

How to calculate campervan power consumption?

Here is a simple formula that will help you work out how much power your campervan electrical devices are consuming.

Watts = Volts times Amps

Volts = Watts divided by Amps

Amps = Watts divided by Volts

Read the labels on the back of your appliances as these will often tell you at least the wattage of the device. By knowing the wattage and knowing the formula above you will be able to work out the amps per hour of the device and get a better idea of how long your batteries will last. 

When calculating the power consumption of your campervan kitchen appliances, you need to be aware that batteries deteriorate and you should add 25% usage on all your calculations.

Typical campervan kitchen power consuming gadgets

Let’s take a look at the common devices that are typically power hungry and could potentially drain your batteries if you don’t have the right electrical setup.


For a couple of years, I thought I could live without a fridge, but actually, it became a very expensive way of living, forever visiting the store to buy fresh food. 

When I finally coughed up £700 to buy my Waeco fridge, I found myself being able to stock up on fresh veggies and another advantage was being able to store leftovers for the following day’s lunch.  I instantly started saving money!

How much power does a campervan fridge use?

There are a few different types of fridges available for campervan use and these are: Compressor fridges, 3-way absorption fridges and the electric cool box. 

My personal preference for a campervan and vanlife living is the compressor fridge. They have a built-in thermostat that turns the fridge off when it reaches particular temperatures. This makes the load on your batteries much better. Unlike the electric coolbox that is generally always on and at full power draining your batteries constantly! 

A compressor fridge uses around 40w of power so to work out how many amps this would be we use the formula (watts divided by volts).  Using a 12v van an example 40 divided by 12 = 3.33 amp hours of use. If your battery is 100amp hours then that’s 30 hours until the battery is completely dead. You should never run a battery down below 50% so really you only have 15 hours of use and that’s without taking another usage into consideration (such as lights etc). 

What you can do to improve the efficiency is double, triple or even quadruple your batteries and parallel them together to increase the overall amperage, upgrade the batteries with that of a higher amp hour rating and ensure you have adequate charging facilities to at least trickle charge back into the batteries. This could be from solar, split charge relay, battery to battery charger or from a mains hookup. 

Halogen Ovens & Microwaves

Are ovens a necessity in a van? For many, it’s considered a luxury item that can be avoided to be more resourceful on electricity or to avoid complex gas lines installed in their van. 

You can cook most things on a campervan stove-top and especially with the addition of an Omnia, almost anything you would regularly cook in an oven becomes possible.

Do we have an oven? Yes, but we use it scarcely as yes it uses a lot of our battery power. We do enjoy leaving it on whilst we are driving through and when we arrive at our destination we have a crispy oven-cooked dinner to enjoy. 

How much power does a campervan oven use?

Basing this example on an electric mini oven which is what we have and is 800W (we know this because it says on the box/instructions/label). What we actually want to know now is how many amps per hour it will use from our batteries. 

Amps = Watts divided by Volts (800W divided by 12v) so this indicates the oven will draw 66.6 amps per hour. One battery at 100ah would mean you only have about 20 minutes of use until the battery drops to half (maximum use before damage may occur). This is far from viable with one battery and even two or three batteries in the bank.

A halogen oven should really only be considered if you have a juicy battery bank of 300AH as a minimum alongside solar charging facilities. 

The other option would be to use it whilst on an electrical hookup like that found at a campsite. Be aware that some campsites have a limit on amperage and this could be as little as 5amps! 800W divided by 230v = 3.48Amps for example, but don’t forget to consider the other electrical items you have in use at the same time. 

Induction Hobs

Can you use an induction hob in a campervan? The simple answer is yes but there are a few things to consider before you purchase an induction hob for your van conversion.

Induction hobs have become ever so popular with van conversions these days. They are of a flat low profile and super space saving as you can simply put the hob away in a draw or cupboard. 

There are horror stories of gas canisters in vans blowing up and it’s a big worry for many. There is also carbon monoxide to consider and your van must be ventilated properly to keep safe.

Induction hobs are great for cooking in a campervan as they are compact, more efficient and also potentially safer to use in confined spaces. 

The induction process means that the heat is almost instantaneous and the heat is focused directly on the pan and not the surrounding areas. Induction pans are about 50% more efficient than a gas hob.

A pan of water will boil twice as fast on an induction hob than on a gas hob. 

Another great advantage of induction hobs is they produce a lot less moisture. There is no gas to burn thus no water in the air. The only moisture is from the steam in your pan. Every little helps in the war against moisture in a van!

The huge downside to induction hobs is the power consumption. It will put a huge strain on your batteries!

How much power is consumed from an induction hob? Typically an induction hob is about 1800w at full power or high heat so if we do our little calculation we get to 150amps! Ouch! 

This does mean that you need a powerful battery bank with at least 300ah along with some means to charge such as solar panels. 

Many people who cook on induction hobs tend to keep to quick 15/20minute meals and do not exceed a medium heat to maintain battery power whilst parked up. 

Coffee Maker

I know I need a good cup of coffee in the morning to function and I know a lot of van lifers who consider their coffee making facilities an essential must-have!

Personally I use a stove top coffee maker these days but I did once have a Tassimo coffee machine. 

Yet another power-hungry device and if you tend to spend a lot of time off-grid you may need to avoid all these gadgets but if it’s essential then we need to do our little science calculation. 

A standard Tassimo coffee machine such as the one I had is 1300W. That means a coffee machine on 12V will draw approximately 108 amps per hour. 

Remember the machine only runs for 45 seconds so you will get a fair amount of uses from it but it all adds up if you are off-grid.

How to minimise campervan power consumption

Adventures in your campervan are meant to be fun so not for one moment am I ever going to imply that you should make sacrifices to your holiday or vanlife living experience.

However, budgets are budgets and if you are familier with vanlife already you know that vans can be extremely expensive to equip with all the mod cons you might like. Some cutbacks may need to be made.

Coffee machine vs cafetiere
Equipping your coffee machine into your van (depending on how often you drink coffee) will use a lot of power and strain on your batteries. Have you ever tried a cast iron espresso maker? Or perhaps a cafetiere may be worth a try?

Fridge vs electric coolbox
It may seem like a great idea to buy a low cost electric coolbox but as the cheaper electric coolboxes do not ave a thermostatic control you will find that they run on full power constatnly. You may well find that if you leave the coolbox on overnight that you will wake up to flat batteries.

A thermostatic compressor fridge may be five times the cost of the coolbox but the power consumption is so much lower. The risk of killing your batteries is a lot less.

Induction hob vs gas hob
There is no doubt that induction hobs are great but they really require a fully prepared van setup or regular mains hookups to run them. Only consider an induction hob if you have researched and fully understand your power setup and requirements.

Gas hobs are great and if you ensure your setup is checked over by a qualified gas safe engineer you can rest easy knowing you have a cheap, low power consuming an safe stove-top.

The infamous Omnia oven
There are certain things you just can’t cook on the stove-top…unless you have an Omnia oven. This little red bundt tin with a lid will put crispy back on to your menu.

The Omnia oven sits on your stove-top using gas and no electric at all.

wonderbag slow cooking

The wonderbag thermal oven
If slow-cooked is your thing and evening cooking is a rush, a thermal oven may be what you need. It uses virtually zero power and holds heat for up to 12 hours. Simply start the cooking process on your hob and then place it in the Wonderbag which will continue the cooking process slowly. Hours later you can enjoy a delicious slow-cooked hot meal.

Cooking Cosy – A campervan cooking solution

The Cooking Cosy provides a cooking solution for every campervan. It helps save energy, is environmentally friendly and super cute! Find out what we thought when we reviewed this item cooking in our very own campervan!

A little about the company Cooking Cosy

We came across the company cooking cosy on Instagram and it intrigued us immediately. We reached out to Geraldine there and she very kindly sent us some cooking cosies to try ourselves.

The company is based in Northern Ireland, and was partly developed by accident after abandoning some pasta whilst cooking and realising that you do not necessarily need to have a pan on the hob all the time for the food to cook. (They tell the story a lot better on their site!) This is so ideal for cooking in a campervan or any mobile home as we know gas can be a limited resource. This product is designed to reduce the amount of energy used as we will explain below….

Cooking cosy displayed in our campervan

What is a cooking cosy and how is it a campervan cooking solution?

Those with vans are well aware there can be constraints when cooking in a campervan. One of these can be a limited supply of energy when cooking. Whether you have gas or electric for cooking, a fixed hob or a camping stove, this product can help you.

The Cooking Cosy is 100% wool. It is designed to keep pans hot so that the food inside continues to cook even after being taken off the hob. This is such a great cooking solution for inside a campervan, or any other tiny kitchen in fact. After bringing the pan to the boil, simply remove from the heat, place on a heat-proof mat & cover with the cosy. The website has the recommended cooking guidelines, and the cosy comes with a set of helpful instructions and timings. Generally adding another 5-10 minutes to the cooking time gives the same results but with a lot less energy usage.

Instructions for using thee cooking cosy with timings

What did we like about the cooking cosy?

I (Sophie) actually adore the design of this product, I love the colour and the fact it is made from natural materials (100% wool). It is obviously lightweight which is very well suited to cooking and travelling in a campervan. Another advantage is that it can be folded flat or rolled up to store. This means it can be stored in the tiniest of spaces in your tiny kitchen. Rolled up in our kitchen drawer it even stops things moving around when we’re on the road. Win, win!

It is very versatile and can fit many different sized pans. We tend to only have 2-3 pans in our van due to storage and this works with them really well. We have tested it cooking, pasta, rice and buckwheat. The buckwheat took a bit of practice, the first time we left it a little too long and it turned into a soggy mess. We like to think we have perfected it now. We tend to steam our vegetables so are yet to try it on those yet.

100% wool

We recently held an afternoon tea live in our van & we used the cosy then to keep our teapot warm. We do love a multi-use item, who doesn’t when travelling tiny!

Using these means you can leave your food cooking with confidence. There is no need to worry about wind blowing the flame out and it means you can get on with other things whilst your food is cooking away.

The main feature that we love about this product is that we can save precious gas when cooking. We cook a LOT in our van, plus I do a lot of baking, so we use a fair bit of gas. A way to save gas without sacrificing our food seems ideal to us.

Take your Cosy walking, hiking or camping!

The great thing about the cosy is that it is so lightweight it can easily be stored and carried alongside your camping stove. When camping, gas is even more precious than in your campervan. This little gadget will mean that you can save gas when on these trips.

When finished, fold it and roll it up, store it away and you won’t even know it’s there!

Camping with a cooking cosy

What didn’t we like about the cooking cosy?

We can honestly say there wasn’t anything we didn’t like about the product. It takes a while to get used to the timings as obviously these can vary slightly depending on the size of the pan and how full it is. We haven’t needed to clean ours yet, as it isn’t really likely to get dirty during use unless something has run down the side of the pan. We think they seem pretty easy to clean & would be ok to be rinsed in the sink and left to dry.

The disadvantage that we could see being an issue for some people is that the product is not advised for using with meat. This doesn’t affect us really as I’m a vegetarian and Mark doesn’t eat a large amount of meat anyway. It does however free up your hob allowing you to cook meat whilst your veg/pasta/rice is cooking on the side.

Cooking Cosy up close

Where can you get this cooking solution for your campervan?

Here are the links to the Cooking Cosy and how you can get your hands on them. They are priced at €17.95, we are also running a giveaway for one lucky winner to get one. Head to our Instagram to find out how… @vanlife_eats

Website: www.cookingcosy.com

Instagram: @cooking_cosy


We really enjoy using these. They are very well suited to vanlife or any tiny kitchen. Any kitchen in fact – we have one for at home too! They are lightweight which is ideal when weight is an issue such as in a campervan or when camping. They are easy to store, they can fit into small spaces so storage isn’t an issue at all. All in all these are a fab way to save energy when cooking!

“Let your cosy do the cooking!”

Want to see more product reviews for your campervan kitchen? Click here

Here are some recipes where the cooking cosy would come in useful.

Cauliflower cheese with bacon

Spaghetti Bolognese Classico

Moroccan Inspired Stew

Vanlife Eats logo

Skillet of Mackerel with Spicy Tomato Salad

Skillet of Mackerel with Spicy Tomato Salad

A Mediterranean style dish with a very British Mackerel. Mackerel is one of the tastiest fishes whilst being surrounded by a spicy-sweet and zingy tomato salad.
5 from 1 vote
30 minute meal - One-pan - Solo travel - Stove top meal
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Dinner, Lunch, Salad
Servings 1
Diet Pescatarian


  • 1 cup Tomatoes
  • 2 fillets Mackerel
  • 1/2 Green Pepper
  • 1/2 Green Chilli
  • 1/2 Red Onion
  • 2 cloves Garlic
  • 1 Handful Fresh Basil
  • 1 splash Balsamic Vinegar
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 1/2 Lemon


  • Heat a skillet pan over a medium heat and add the red onion, pepper, chilli and garlic.
  • Clear a space in the center of the skillet and place the Mackerel skin side down. Add the tomatoes and lemon wedges and season with salt and pepper. Splash a little balsamic over the tomatoes. Cook for 5 minutes.
  • After the Mackerel has been on the heat for 5 minutes, flip the fish and add a handful of fresh basil Cook for a further 3 minutes and the serve with rice, pasta or cous cous.


Calories: 624kcalCarbohydrates: 21gProtein: 72gFat: 27gSaturated Fat: 8gPolyunsaturated Fat: 7gMonounsaturated Fat: 9gCholesterol: 160mgSodium: 306mgPotassium: 2025mgFiber: 5gSugar: 9gVitamin A: 1792IUVitamin C: 110mgCalcium: 141mgIron: 5mg
Keyword Fish, Mediterranean, sea, seafood
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Ephin Life

Featured vanlifers Joseph and Devin share their experiences as a family of 8 as Ephin Life. They enjoy family travels in their van Panda Spaceship. With 6 children between them, Audrey, Henry, Evan, Naya, Mateo & Sage. Keep reading to find out what this family of 8 get up to on their vanlife adventures.

Where have they visited?

This family are based in the U.S. They are big fans of the National Parks & have visited a number of them including Grand Tetons, Zion, Canyonlands & Joshua Tree. Currently they travel as a family part-time due to them co-parenting their children with their ex partners.

Devin has dual citizenship with the US and UK which opens up foreign travel to them a little more. In 2019, parents Joseph & Devin visited 9 European countries in 16 days. In the future they plan to have a trip abroad with one child each year.

A few highlights from their trip in their van trips so far are driving with the kids from Utah to New Orleans & back. They have also enjoyed trips to Denver & Ft. Collins in their current van. One particular memory they recall is enjoying an incredible sunset and sunrise when on a trip with Sage. They managed to find a good park-up on a ridge to get the best view over the Grand Tetons – vanlife at it’s finest!

They have had some not so great times too, though luckily they can laugh at them now. Travelling with potty training kids can have it’s issues. This family weren’t potty training 1, but 2 children at the same time! Both decided they needed to pee-pee in a shady looking bar car park in Las Vegas one night, so out came the potties in the car park. Another time Devin recalls freaking out when driving through the Rockies in the pitch black at night. She was worried because she couldn’t see the road properly and was scared of hitting something. Finally, before getting their windows tinted they looked back to see one of their children with a diaper box on his head because the sun was too hot.

All in all the fun far outweighs any mishaps they have had, and so the family adventure on!

Why Vanlife?

Travelling with 6 kids could be problematic and expensive, but vanlife has changed that for this family. Both Devin & Joseph confess to having a severe case of wanderlust and so they needed to find a solution for travelling with the children. Since they already needed a large van to get around in, they decided this was their best option for travelling too. By eliminating screens on their travels they have found the children enjoy road trips the way their parents used to as children. Looking out of the windows, talking to one another, reading, playing games etc. All of this helps the family to bond and make special memories together.

When asked what was their favourite part about travelling with kids, they said the fact that they were legally obligated to have the children strapped into seats all day – and considered better parents for it! Ha ha ha. Jokes aside though, they feel like their children are gaining amazing experiences and are going to grow up with the same lust for travel as their parents.

Where do they all sleep?

One of the questions these guys must get asked a lot, is where do they all sleep? The answer is there are 2 beds in the back, then each row of seats adapts to become a bed. The family use their storage containers as supports for the beds in the front. Click the link below to see how they manage…

How do they cook?

The family doesn’t have a built in kitchen in their van. They simply cook on their second hand camp kitchen. They prefer cooking this way as they can have their kitchen as big or small as they want, and place it where they like according to the weather. They also travel with a ninja foodi, which alongside the camp kitchen is their favourite accessory.

One time when travelling their old camping stove was misbehaving and the flame kept going out every 30 seconds. Due to Devin’s perseverance and stubborn-ness pancakes for eight was a success 2 hours later. It would have been a different story if Joseph were in charge of the stove that day – us too most likely!

They travel with a couple of pots & pans, making sure they have their dutch iron or cast iron pan. They also take a little backpacking stove, a Santoku knife, cooler, water jugs & cutting board. In terms of their pantry, they like to carry Kerrygold, salt & multi-purpose seasoning. They also like to take jerky as a snack as well as protein shakes & bars. One of their favourite meals to enjoy together is hamburgers – definitely a classic when camping out. Another favourite is this recipe below.

Cheeseburger Mac

Serves 8 – Adjust Ingredients accordingly

2 lbs ground beef

1/2 onion

Handful of minced mushrooms

Trader Joe’s 21 seasoning salute (on sautéed veggies, then add beef)

Salt to taste

5 boxes Annie’s mac and cheese (and the butter and milk they call for) 

Grated/shredded cheese to mix in (gives it a more legit mac and cheese taste) 

Additional 1/4 cup whole milk and 3 Tbsp butter to keep the sauce saucy once you’ve added the ground beef

  1. Start preparing the mac and cheese.
  2. Finely chop the onion and mushrooms and sauté them. We can’t add much or our kids don’t want to eat it, but if you’re making it for adults or kids who are fine with more mushrooms and onion, feel free to add more.
  3. Add in some 21 seasoning salute (or your favorite multipurpose seasoning), then add the ground beef to that mixture.
  4. Once your mac and cheese is prepared, stir in the ground beef and add salt to taste.
  5. Add the additional butter and milk, stir it all, then grate in some cheese. You can just do cheddar, but sometimes we add an aged gouda or gruyere.
  6. We like to serve some kind of veggie on the side, like broccoli. 

Tips for future/fellow vanlifers…

“You don’t need the perfect Instagram/Pinterest van to get out there and make amazing memories and have the best time. Just do what you can when you can. Also, don’t feel like you have to give it up when you have kids; it’s totally possible. If you’re living in a van, you really should have given up caring what society thinks about you by this point anyway”

Cauliflower Cheese with Bacon


keto cauliflower cheese

Cauliflower Cheese with Bacon

Meat Based
This is the perfect indulgent meal whilst following a keto diet. Full of flavour and easy to prepare in a campervan kitchen.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Dinner
Servings 2
Diet Meat Based


  • 1 Cauliflower
  • 4 Rashers of Smokey Bacon
  • 1 cup Cheese (of your choice, we use mature cheddar)
  • 280 ml Double Cream
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 1 tbsp Coconut Flour
  • 1 tbsp Smoked Paprika
  • 1 tsp Cayenne Pepper
  • 1 handful Parsley
  • Salt & Pepper


  • In a hot skillet pan, fry the 4 rashers of bacon. You will want to get these nice and crispy so make sure the pan is hot and keep turning to get them nice and even. When cooked remove from the pan and place on some kitchen paper to soak up the grease.
  • Take your cauliflower and cut the stem off and break the cauliflower up into small bite-sized florets. Add them to the pan along with a cup of water. Place the lid on the pan and leave to cook for 15 minutes until the florets are soft.
  • Meanwhile.. Melt the 2 tablespoons of butter in a small pan on low heat. When the butter is melted add the tablespoon of coconut flour and mix to form a paste. Continue to stir the paste for a couple of minutes to cook out the flour. Add one-third of the cream to the paste and stir until combined. Add the second third and stir until combined and finally add the last third of cream to the paste and stir until a smooth mixture forms. Add the cheese, paprika, cayenne pepper, salt and pepper and give it all a good stir. It should form a sticky sauce.
  • By now the cauliflower should be soft and there should be a little moisture still in the pan, keep this in. Add the cheese sauce to the cauliflower and mix it all together. Return the lid to the pan.
  • Take your crispy bacon rashers and cut them into small crsipy chunks. Add them to the pan and give it a mix. Stir in some fresh parsley and serve. Enjoy!


Calories: 1094kcalCarbohydrates: 24gProtein: 29gFat: 101gSaturated Fat: 58gPolyunsaturated Fat: 6gMonounsaturated Fat: 31gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 310mgSodium: 892mgPotassium: 1210mgFiber: 8gSugar: 7gVitamin A: 5130IUVitamin C: 140mgCalcium: 577mgIron: 3mg
Keyword cheese, keto, ketogenic, low carb
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

10 Tips For Better Campervan Cooking

Being brought up in a close British Italian family it’s no surprise that I spent most of my life cooking alongside my Nonna and learning the family secret recipes. 

I am proud to say that my children have also taken the family passion for cooking and I am now teaching them these family secret recipes.

The best tips for campervan cooking are to be organised, keep your surfaces clean, learn how to turn simple food into a variety of interesting cuisines and make sure you eat tasty food that you enjoy eating.

Whilst I am not yet ready to share the secret family recipes (although it’s in family discussion) I am very keen to share with you some of my favourite cooking tips that will really help elevate your food. 

1. If your campervan cooking is tasting bland, add some salt

Often you will find that a pinch of salt is all that is needed to really bring your food to life.

Under seasoned food is a classic rookie mistake and it takes time to know what foods require what amount of seasoning.

Salt as you may know contains sodium and sodium ions have the magic to take away bitterness as well as enhance the sweetness in flavourings. 

It is always best practice to taste as you go along whilst cooking to ensure you don’t under or over season. 

2. Toast your spices first

This is something that took me a little while to realise and what a huge difference it made. My curries and sauces suddenly became fragrant and bursting with flavour, and all I did was add the spices first!

Another rookie mistake is to add spices to your sauce. Always toast your spices over a low dry heat in a pan and start your recipe on these foundations first of all. 

When you start adding your other base ingredients to the pan you will find that they start to coat in the toasted spices and bring a whole new depth of flavour to every ingredient that goes in there after. 

You could also bloom the spices in some hot oil in a pan to form a fragrant paste that once again brings a concentrated kaboom to your food. 

3. Deglaze your pan

This is another trick to really maximise flavour in your cooking and help prolong the life of your campervan cooking pan.

The rookie mistake would be is to scrape the food from the pan and scrub the remaining brown bits that stick to the pan in the sink, potentially ruining your non stick pan but worst of all in my opinion you are washing all the flavour away.

Those stuck on brown bits are like little concentrated flavour bombs and you NEED them in your dish!

Whilst the pan is hot use a little white wine or stock to deglaze the pan forming a little extra concentrate of flavour to add to your food. 

You will also be glad that the washing up will be easier and your pan will last a lot longer. 

4. Let your meat rest before cutting it

Once upon a time I was a big meat eater and spent a lot of time experimenting with finding the best ways to cook meat. It was then that I realised the importance of letting meat rest before slicing into it and how much juicier it really does get. 

When meat is cooked the fibres tend to tense up and it pushes all the moisture / juices out of all the fibres. 

If you were to cut it open too early you would find that all the juices will spill out and when you eat the meat it will be very dry.

Allowing meat to rest before cutting into it will allow the fibres to loosen up again and re-absorb the juices. Less juice on your plate and more juice in the meat.

Beef Thai Green Curry cooked in our campervan on date night

5. Add butter to your sauce before serving

This is more of a restaurant trick to make your sauce look all glossy and rich but it definitely adds a rich buttery sheen to your sauces. 

This technique is called “monter au beurre” which is where you add a small dollop of cold butter to your sauce right at the end of its cooking phase before your plate up. 

The trick is not let the butter cook and not let the butter fat breakup and separate, and only melt, soften and emulsify to richen and thicken your sauce.

6. Cook your eggs slowly

I always cook the perfect eggs and my best tip is to cook the eggs slowly over a low/medium heat. 

There is nothing more disappointing than cutting into your egg and finding it hard and dry and the best way to avoid this is to cook them low and slow. This also prevents the egg white from turning rubbery. 

I am also a fan of slow cooking my scrambled eggs as I get a light, fluffy and creamy scramble.

7. Dry your meat before cooking

By thoroughly drying your meat before cooking it will help to get a tasty crisp and golden colour when cooked. It also helps in sealing the meat keeping the juiciness on the inside and crispiness on the outside. 

Use a paper towel to pat dry the meat but do not press into the meat and soak up the meats natural juices and moisture, this would remove a lot of the flavour. The aim is to dry the outside layer only. 

If you are getting bits of paper towel sticking to your meat then you are probably pressing too hard!

Also make sure you use a thick paper towel as to not leave bits of paper over the outside of your meat. 

campervan chilli
Campervan vegan chilli with nachos

8. Add some crunch

Texture is an important factor to a dish and is almost important as flavour. It’s all about enjoying your food and if your food has no texture it end up sloppy and can be unpleasant. 

Try leaving a bit of bite in a vegetable or two or add some crispy breadcrumbs, nuts or seeds. 

Take a stir fry as an example, by adding some mange tout towards the end and only briefly cooking them will bring some crunch and also add freshness to your dish.

It makes a huge difference having something to bite on rather than just churning mush inside your mouth!

campervan vegan recipe butterbean toast

9. Look after you knives (and fingers)

Its actually very dangerous working with blunt knives. By having to put too much pressure into every cut you risk losing control of your knife by slipping or dropping your knife and potentially hurting yourself.

If you haven’t got a knife sharpener in your van make this your number one item on your next shopping list. It makes your culinary experience so much more enjoyable. 

Having a quality sharp knife means you get even, good looking cuts of meat and vegetables and most importantly all your fingers intact!  

Neat evenly sized food in your pan means everything will cook evenly and taste the same.

10. Add some acid to liven up your dish

In the same way as salt, acid can massively enhance flavour. If your food is tasting flat and dull, add a squeeze of lemon or lime to brighten it up. 

Here’s the secret.. do not add the squeeze of citrus until the sauce or food is completely cooked. It can make your food sing but if you add the citrus too early and it starts to cook it can make your food taste really quite funky.

Be careful with cream based sauces as although adding a squeeze of lemon will  brighten the flavours, adding too much can curdle the diary. 

It’s not only citrus fruit that brings your flavours to life, you can get the same effect by using vinegar.

As mentioned before, deglazing your pan with vinegar works amazingly or you can drizzle vinegar like a dressing. 

Try balsamic vinegar on strawberries as this brings out the sweetness in the strawberries.


These are just a hanful of useful tips I have learnt not only from my Nonna but from friends who are professinal chefs and not to mention my 40+ years of passionate cooking.

Hopefully these basic cooking tips will help improve your culinary skills in your campervan kitchen.

Happy Cooking!

Thai Beef Green Curry


Thai Beef Green Curry

Meat Based
Who needs a pre-made paste! This Thai Green Curry recipe was cooked in our campervan and devoured on a romantic date night. It's delicious!
5 from 1 vote
Stove top meal
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Course Dinner
Servings 2
Diet Meat Based


  • 1 Beef Steak 4oz +
  • 1 Diced Small Aubergine (egg plant)
  • 1 Red Pepper (cut into strips)
  • 1 Large Shallot
  • 200 g Coconut Milk
  • 1 Lemongrass Stalk
  • 3 Cloves of Garlic
  • 2 tbsp Fish Sauce
  • 1 Ginger (thumbsized and chopped)
  • 1 tsp Cumin
  • 4 Curry Leaves
  • 1 Lime
  • 1 Coriander (large bunch)
  • 2 Green Chillies
  • 1 tbsp Brown Sugar
  • Salt and Pepper


  • Pre heat a large skillet pan to a high heat.Pat dry your piece of steak with strong kitchen roll. Place some strong foil, cling film or a plastic bag over the meat and using the bottom of a sauce pan or heavy object bash the meat firmly to tenderise and flatten it out. Don't pulverise it! Season with plenty of salt.
  • Cut the meat into strips and fry in the hot pan for a couple of minutes and then remove from the pan and set aside. The steak should still be pink and rare.
  • Turn the heat down in the pan to a medium heat. In a manual food processor like the Zyliss Easypull place the roughly chopped shallot, garlic, chopped ginger, sugar, fish sauce, chillies, cumin, a good pinch of black or white pepper, half the coriander and the juice from half the lime. Blitz for around 20 pulls until the mixture is finely chopped and almost a paste.
  • Add the paste to the hot pan stirring continuously for 3 minutes. Add the aubergine and the pepper and continue to stir until the veg is coated in the paste.Give it a good season with salt now.
  • Add the small tin of coconut milk and add some water to the empty tin to get the milk stuck to the sides, add this to the pan too. Give it all a good stir.
  • Return the meat to the pan, give it a good stir and then leave on a low heat with the lid on the pan for 20 minutes.
  • Stir in the remaining coriander a few minutes before it's ready to serve. Serve up with Jasmine rice, spicy crackers and some white wine. Add a wedge of lime and squeeze over depending on your taste. Enjoy!


Calories: 491kcalCarbohydrates: 38gProtein: 32gFat: 26gSaturated Fat: 21gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 3gCholesterol: 67mgSodium: 1653mgPotassium: 1483mgFiber: 11gSugar: 20gVitamin A: 2091IUVitamin C: 140mgCalcium: 125mgIron: 7mg
Keyword beef, Curry, date night, spicy, Thai
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Featured Vanlifers – May, Derek & Chloe

Featured Vanlifers May, Derek & Chloe share their vanlife experiences with you. Find out what this married couple like to do & eat while travelling full-time in their van.

You can follow their adventures on Instagram @mayandtravel. Head to the bottom of the page for links to all their social media pages.

May, Derek & Chloe

These guys love to travel, and one of their favourite things about travelling in their van is that they get to take their dog Chloe with them. The travelling clearly agrees with her as the 11 year old still looks like a pup!

If you have seen their Instagram feeds you will see amazing editorial style photos highlighting the places they have visited. All of their photos are inspiring and showcase many beautiful places. They are currently based in California, travelling full-time in their van ‘The Ark’.

What do featured vanlifers May, Derek & Chloe do when travelling?

There are many things that we see vanlifers enjoy doing on their travels, hiking, climbing, kite surfing and yoga to name a few. Many also like to take an instrument such as a guitar on the road with them too. Not many take a guzheng and piano along on the journey though! Music is a real passion of May’s and there is no way she wanted to miss out on that when travelling. There is something very magical about watching someone play the piano with rolling waves through the window in front of them. Head to the bottom to find her instagram dedicated to the music she creates in her van or the wild.

The musical talents do not end there either! May quite often makes the most of the open spaces when travelling by performing traditional chinese dances.

The pair really enjoy seeing Chloe exploring new places. They regularly take her hiking and for walks (chasing squirrels is one of her favourite activities!). They say whatever provides their dog happiness also brings them joy and is the highlight of their travels.

What do featured vanlifers May, Derek & Chloe eat on the road?

The couple are very conscious of eating well on the road, and are adamant this keeps them healthy. May & Derek have not experienced illness for years, including headaches, colds, sore throats etc. They attribute this to the healthy diet they eat. Living on the road does not mean healthy meals can’t be enjoyed!

The majority of the couple’s diet is plant based, and about 20% is made up of chicken, sea food etc. They like to keep things natural and avoid processed food. They have been lucky enough not to have any cooking disasters in their van so far! May’s favourite meal to make in the van is a coconut soup, Tom Kha Gai. You can find the recipe right here!

Chloe also eats well on her travels, she has meals cooked for her daily. These usually contain cod or tuna with raw vegetable juice over the top. As with their own health, they are certain this diet attributes to Chloe’s health and youthful energy.

Their van kitchen

May and Derek have the benefit of being able to cook indoors and outdoors. One of their favourite things about cooking in the van is that they cook with different views everyday. What’s not to love?!?

May’s favourite kitchen accessory is their pressure cooker. It gets used to cook many delicious Vietnamese dishes such as rice, pho & beef stew. Her favourite features of their kitchen are the vast storage space & counter top area. Space can be limited in a tiny home so counter top space is such a luxury. By not having a fixed hob not only does it create space, but allows the opportunity for outdoor cooking.

Their van pantry essentials are: sea salt, cayenne pepper, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, paprika, raw honey & tumeric powder. All great ways to add flavour to dishes.

What’s next for featured vanlifers May, Derek & Chloe?

The couple dreamt of vanlife for 2 years before they converted their van, and their favourite place to visit so far has been boondocking at Mammoth Lakes. The area has many beautiful secluded hot springs.

As well continuing with exploring and hiking, May will continue enjoying her music & calligraphy. When the pandemic has ended and travel is more accessible the couple are planning on travelling to South America & Canada in The Ark. We’re sure Chloe is looking forward to finding more squirrels to chase!

Their tips for future vanlifers….

One tip for my fellow vanlifers is getting organized. Organization skill is one skill that you need to master when planning to live in a van. It’s all about surviving in the tiny space with only basic things that you need. You couldn’t afford to create a mess in your kitchen, leaving unwashed dishes in the sink, or fit junk food into your fridge. You need to be organized in every little aspect from cooking in your kitchen to planning where to sleep every night. 

Where to find May, Derek & Chloe..

May: @mayandtravel

Derek: @derekandtravel

Chloe: @chloeandtravel

May Music: @mayandguzheng

Website: https://www.inarabymay.com/

Tom Kha Soup with Shrimp


When you think of Tom Kha Soup, vanlife may not be the first thing that springs to mind. This tom kha soup with shrimp is a one pan dish, making it pretty great for vanlife.

This campervan recipe is a firm favourite of our featured vanlifers May & Derek. The pair travel in their beautifully converted van with their super cute doggy. They have a strong emphasis on eating healthily especially when travelling. Healthy eating is one of the reasons they attribute to their good health and very rarely becoming unwell.

The tom kha soup they have shared with is filling and nutritious, not to mention delicious. if you want to read their feature, you can do so right here! You can also see their main instagram account here.

If you try this vanlife recipe of Tom kha soup with shrimp, please rate it and feel free to add a comment below.

Close up of tom kha soup cooked in a campervan

Tom Kha Soup with Shrimp

This recipe of Tom Kha soup with shrimp is a favourite of May & Derek. They like to eat healthy when on their travels in the van, and this campervan recipe doesn't disappoint
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Soup
Servings 2
Diet Pescatarian


  • 3 cup Chicken / Vegetable broth
  • 2 tbsp Fresh galangal
  • 3 Kaffir lime leaves
  • 1 Small Thai chili
  • 1 Bunch of scallions
  • 1 Stalk lemongrass
  • 2 tbsp Fish sauce
  • 15 oz Light coconut milk (1 can)
  • 1 cup Shiitake Mushrooms
  • 10-12 Medium Shrimp (approx 1lb)
  • 1-2 tbsp Lime Juice
  • 1 cup Fresh cilantro
  • Jasmine rice, cooked optional


  • Heat the chicken stock in a medium-sized pot and add in the lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, and chilli. Simmer for about 10 mins.
  • Add in the shrimp and simmer for 8-10 minutes.
  • Add mushrooms and coconut milk. Simmer for another 10 minutes until the coconut cream mixes in well.
    Close up of tom kha soup vanlife recipe
  • Taste the broth and add in fish sauce to taste
  • Remove from heat, remove lemongrass stalks and stir in lime juice and the scallions.
  • Stir in cilantro, reserving a small amount for garnish.
  • Can be served as a soup or over jasmine rice for a heartier meal option.
    Campervan recipe tom kha soup served with jasmine rice


Calories: 308kcalCarbohydrates: 22gProtein: 17gFat: 16gSaturated Fat: 14gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.2gMonounsaturated Fat: 0.1gCholesterol: 88mgSodium: 2975mgPotassium: 748mgFiber: 4gSugar: 6gVitamin A: 827IUVitamin C: 38mgCalcium: 72mgIron: 2mg
Keyword asian, Easy, one pot, shrimp, soup, stove top
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Afternoon Tea Live Event – Spring 2021

For the first weekend of Spring here in the UK and we are inviting Vanlifers anywhere in the world to join us with a celebratory afternoon tea in a van.

We also have special guest Janey de Nordwall reading from her book ‘From a wonky Path to an Open Road!

Image showing a copy of the book 'From a wonky path to an open road' by author Janey de Nordwall

What is afternoon tea?

For those of you who aren’t sure just what afternoon tea is, here is a little summary so that you too can join in and put together your very own afternoon tea picnic in your van.

Afternoon tea dates back to the 1840s in Britain and evolved as an afternoon mini-meal to curb hunger before an evening dinner party. 

Typically it consisted of mini sandwiches, pastries, cakes and of course a pot of tea. During the 20th Century, the introduction of scones with cream and jam were introduced and became a staple of afternoon tea.

Queen Victoria is responsible for the growing trend of afternoon tea or “tea receptions” as it was known back then and it would typically consist of as many as 200 guests at social gatherings usually for those of higher status or class.

These days an afternoon tea is enjoyed as an occasional treat or for small homely gatherings.

One of the best places to enjoy an Afternoon Tea (apart from in a van over a video call) is whilst visiting a stately home in heart of the countryside.

What to include in your Afternoon Tea?

You don’t have to bake or make anything in your van to join in with the event so go grab yourselves some delicious treats to enjoy over the video call.

There are many variations of an Afternoon Tea and it can be entirely customised to suit your taste. Here are some of the classic elements found in an Afternoon Tea.

Traditional afternoon tea menu set on a pink background

Here is our very own recipe for making mini scones in an Omnia Oven

We were very lucky to be joined by some previous featured vanlifers @silverjaney @kitevanman @abundant.adventures as well as @motorhominglife @nevisthevan @stillyoungatart @amandaanddarcy @tombitripholidays. We were dispersed across the UK & as far as Portugal and the Algarve. We all managed to meet up and have afternoon tea together via the magic of GoogleMeet! We all had a good chat and enjoyed a reading from Janey’s book, ‘A wonky path to an open road’. Here are some photos from the day….

@kitevanman & @abundantadventures


Afternoon tea presented on a red and white cake stand. On the top plate there are 2 scones and 2 french fancies as well as 2 straweberries. On the bottom plate are some sandwiches with salad
See their video here


Afternoon tea presented on a table outside a campervan.
There is a toy husky in the background

Vanlife Eats Afternoon tea

We look forward to many more events like this, we hope you can join us next time!

Sophie & Mark x

Mini Omnia Scones


Mini Omnia Scones

With spring around the corner we decided to share our tasty mini scone recipe that we bake in our Omnia stove top oven. Enjoy these with a cup of tea in the sunshine!
5 from 1 vote
10 Ingredients or less - Family friendly - Stove top meal
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Baking, Snacks
Servings 6 scones
Diet Vegetarian



  • 1 Egg
  • 1 cup Flour
  • 50 g Butter
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/4 cup Caster Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Milk


  • In a suitable bowl add the flour, baking powder, sugar and butter.
  • Rub the mixture with your fingers until it forms a light crumbly texture.
  • Break the egg into a cup, add the small amount of milk and lightly whisk. Add the egg to the flour mixture a little at a time until the mixture becomes soft and sticky. Save a little egg mix for later.
  • Gently knead the dough and roll or press out to a 3 cm thick flat on your surface.
  • Cut out about 6 small discs. Lightly grease the Omnia muffin mould and place the dough portions into the popped out inserts. With the left over egg wash, brush on top of the scones.
  • Place the lid on the Omnia and bake on a low heat for about 20 minutes or until the tops of the scones start to go golden brown.
  • When done, place on a wire rack (or Omnia rack) to cool.
  • Load up with clotted cream, fruity jam and serve with a cuppa.


Calories: 180kcalCarbohydrates: 25gProtein: 3gFat: 8gSaturated Fat: 5gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.5gMonounsaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0.3gCholesterol: 45mgSodium: 136mgPotassium: 38mgFiber: 1gSugar: 9gVitamin A: 252IUCalcium: 52mgIron: 1mg
Keyword Baking, cakes, omnia, snacks, vegetarian
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Featured Vanlifers – Xanthe & Martin

Meet featured vanlifers Xanthe, Martin and Reggie of @rvhomesoon.

The trio have been exploring Europe in their van Pablo. Be sure to follow them on Insta @rvhomesoon and their blog https://rvhomesoon.com to keep up-to-date with their adventures. Also make sure to check out their ‘review my shower’ features on Insta and TikTok to see the best and worst campsite showers.

Why did our featured vanlifers Xanthe & Martin decide to live the vanlife?

The couple really loved the idea of leading a minimalist lifestyle. One where they could roam anywhere with their home on wheels seemed pretty ideal to them. Just like any true Brit, they knew living this way would mean they were never too far from a perfectly brewed cuppa either.

The other main reason they wanted to travel and explore in this way is their beloved dog Reggie. Those of you with pets appreciate what a massive role they have in your life. Xanthe and Martin didn’t want to be without him, so the best solution was to take him along too! This way their 4 legged friend is with them every step of the way and can join the vanlifers on their adventures.

Experiences of our featured vanlifers…

Well these guys had been travelling full-time across Europe in their van. They returned to the UK to get Pablo his MOT and some repairs completed. Until the situation with the pandemic eases they are pretty much grounded, but are eager to get back on the road to adventure as soon as they are able to.

The highlights of their vanlife travels so far include visiting Scotland. When here they were brave enough to swim in freezing cold fairy pools at sunrise on the Isle of Skye. They also visited the Smoo caves in the Scottish Highlands. The pair managed to enjoy them completely to themselves as due to the torrential rain, there was nobody else brave enough to venture out!

Another highlight for Xanthe and Martin was parking up lakeside at Lac d’Annecy and debuting their paddleboard.

One thing we think may not be on their highlight list however, was trying to find an open launderette on a Sunday! The couple noticed a nasty smell in their van one Sunday morning in France. Originally they thought it was the filter in the air vents. Much to their horror, they soon realised cutie Reggie was the culprit! Turns out the little fella had decided to cover himself in fox poo – that stuff is like nectar to pooches. He then decided he loved it so much he wanted to share it with his adoring hoomans – ALL OVER THE VAN! Reggie was promptly rushed out for a sponge and bucket bath, much to his disgust. Poor Xanthe & Martin had to wait until first thing the next day for the launderette to wash everything they owned – oops!

During their adventures to Spain they met up with previous featured vanlifers Laura & Benedict! They enjoyed morning yoga sessions, hiking in the afternoon and toasted marshmallows over a campfire in the evenings. (Knowing Laura & Benedict we can imagine there were oats involved at some point too!)

We spied on their Instagram they found an abandoned gold mine in Rodalquilar to park up which looked awesome. Abandoned buildings always have such an air of mystery surrounding them.

What do these featured vanlifers like to eat?

Martin & Xanthe are vegetarian and enjoy a variety of vegetarian and vegan meals when on their travels. One of their recipes was very popular on Instagram with others attempting it. This recipe is on their blog and we are very pleased they decided to share it with us. Keep an eye on their blog for new recipes (there is a dedicated page for them!) For now though, here is how you can recreate their Vegan Mushroom & ale pie – Omnia style.

Taken with permission from rvhomesoon.com

This recipe is a favourite for them to make together. Martin deals with the complicated pastry cutting, not an easy thing to manage with the Omnia oven. Xanthe is in charge of the delicious filling. Another favourite meal Xanthe likes to make is Sweet Potato Risotto. It’s her go-to meal in the van and she says she has made it so many times she could manage it with her eyes closed.

That doesn’t mean the duo have escaped their share of cooking disasters. Once Xanthe decided to ‘wing it’ when baking some banana bread. She didn’t use any scales for measuring. This unfortunately resulted in a volcano of banana bread all over the van kitchen.

Xanthe & Martin’s van kitchen…

When preparing to move into a home on wheels, the couple realised it would be difficult to fit all their kitchen items into their new home. They came up with a plan to reduce the items they planned to take on their travels. When cooking at home they looked at the items they didn’t use on a day to day basis such a blender, slow cooker, many pans etc. From this they were able to strip back and decide on the things that were essential for them to take with them.

One of their favourite features in their van kitchen is the slide-out pantry. They do confess it is more of a pull out pantry rather than a sliding one these days and may benefit from a little WD40. Their favourite kitchen accessory is their stove top coffee maker which helps them get a kick start to the day. Although it takes a while to perfect their coffee they say it is definitely worth it.

Xanthe says that her favourite thing about cooking in the van is that there is always a new view to look at whilst cooking. A vanlife perk for sure! She also likes to be the one to cook because it means Martin has to do the washing up.

What’s in these vanlifer’s pantry?

We always like to know what are our featured vanlifers essential food items they make sure are well stocked. Here’s what Xanthe & Martin like to make sure they have in their van:


Risotto Rice


Peanut butter

Biscoff spread

Oatly Milk

What’s next for Xanthe & Martin?

Both are keen to get back to adventuring with Reggie in Pablo. On their list of places to visit are Scandinavia & Greece. We are sure there are also many showers to be rated along the way. As well as morning yoga sessions with Laura & Benedict – even if they have to be virtual for now. Be sure to follow them to see where they head to next and what they think of the showers…

What advice do our featured vanlifers have for fellow vanlifers?

Xanthe & Martin recommend getting a good dustpan and brush – vanlife essential. When parked by the beach they said they would easily sweep 6 times a day.

Always double check everything is strapped down before setting off. They have had their fair share of the contents of their cupboards spilling out as they’re driving.

Finally, the unplanned adventures are often the best ones!!

Find our featured vanlifers here:

Instagram: @rvhomesoon

Blog: http://rvhomesoon.com

Vegan Mushroom & Ale Pie – Omnia


Vegan Mushroom Omnia Pie

Vegan Mushroom & Ale Pie - Omnia

Vegan, Vegetarian
This vegan mushroom & ale pie is a team effort from our featured vanlifers @rvhomesoon. No oven? No problem. The Omnia oven means pie is definitely on the menu in this campervan.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Course Baking, Dinner
Servings 2
Diet Vegan, Vegetarian



  • 1 Medium Onion
  • 3 Garlic cloves
  • 1 tbsp thyme (fresh/dried)
  • 150 g Shiitake mushrooms
  • 250 g Chestnut mushrooms
  • 1 Vegetable stock cube
  • 1 cup Boiling water
  • 2 tbsp Tomato puree
  • 1 tbsp Brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp Cornflour
  • 15 ml Soy sauce
  • Salt & Pepper to season
  • Vegan ale
  • 400 g Vegan ready rolled pastry
  • Olive Oil for frying


  • Chop the mushrooms, onion & garlic
  • Heat some olive oil in a pan & add the onion. Cook until softened and lightly brown (around 5mins). Add the mushrooms and cook for another 5 minutes
  • Add the garlic, brown sugar and thyme. After 30 seconds add a glug of the vegan ale, tomato puree, soy sauce and boiling water. Crumble in the stock cube
  • Season well and bring to a gentle simmer. Cook for 15 minutes stirring occasionally.
  • Add in the cornflour and stir until the sauce thickens.
  • Expertly line the Omnia with the ready rolled pastry - no easy feat
  • Spoon the filling into the Omnia, and add the pastry lid.
  • Cook over a low/medium flame for 45 minutes or until beautifully golden brown.


Calories: 1070kcalCarbohydrates: 131gProtein: 19gFat: 53gSaturated Fat: 16gPolyunsaturated Fat: 6gMonounsaturated Fat: 24gSodium: 1607mgPotassium: 1196mgFiber: 10gSugar: 13gVitamin A: 251IUVitamin C: 13mgCalcium: 110mgIron: 7mg
Keyword mushrooms, omnia, pastry, pie, stove top, vegan
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Omnia Cannelloni


Omnia Cannelloni

Cannelloni with ricotta and spinach!!....simple to do in our van. The bechamel can be substituted with cooking cream. The meat sauce can be replaced with a vegetarian sauce
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Dinner, Lunch
Servings 2
Diet Vegetarian



  • 300-400 g spinach
  • 250 g fresh pasta for lasagna
  • 100 g ricotta cheese
  • 125 g cooking cream or bechamel
  • 400 g meat sauce
  • 2 tbsp grated cheese


  • Cook the spinach, and drain the excess water, if desired, it can also be minced.
  • Mix until all the ingredients are well blended
  • Boil the water and immerse the pasta for 15/20 seconds. Dry slightly to drain excess water. Roll up as if to form a tube. Arrange Omnia on the stove, spread the meat sauce, béchamel sauce and a little grated cheese on the surface.
  • Cook over low heat for about 20 minutes and enjoy hot! slurp


Calories: 1239kcalCarbohydrates: 77gProtein: 62gFat: 76gSaturated Fat: 36gPolyunsaturated Fat: 4gMonounsaturated Fat: 27gTrans Fat: 2gCholesterol: 353mgSodium: 404mgPotassium: 1708mgFiber: 3gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 15351IUVitamin C: 43mgCalcium: 409mgIron: 12mg
Keyword omnia, pasta, quick, Simple, stove top
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Swedish G&T Yorkshire Pudding


Swedish G&T Yorkshire Pudding

Yorkshire Pudding cooked in a Swedish Omnia, with a Gin & Tonic Twist
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Course Dinner, Other
Servings 4
Diet Vegetarian



  • 2-3 Eggs
  • 200 ml milk
  • 200 g Plain Flour
  • 4 tsp Sunflower or Vegetable oil
  • 1 Dessert spoon Gin
  • 1 Splash of Tonic


  • Beat the eggs really hard. I find my Hell’s Handle fish slice (Mercer) is ideal whisk/beater.
  • Slowly add in the milk and stir, then whisk/beat hard, you need to see bubbles in the mixture.
  • Sift in the flour, I use my tea strainer, (I don’t have a large one), whilst still whisking or beating. It takes a while but it is worth it, you need a smooth batter.
  • Add your Gin and splash of tonic during this process. (Have one yourself)
  • Leave mixture covered for 45 minutes.
  • Now the dangerous bit. Put the oil in the Omnia and get the oil hot. Remembering never to take your eye off it, if you are doing this in your Van or Motorhome, never, ever, not even for a second, take your eye off it. Don’t start a conversation on your phone, fluffing up the cushions, or re-levelling the van.... I use virgin olive oil for cooking, but in this instance, you must use vegetable or sunflower. I now know why they put the smoke alarm directly above the kitchen area. Mine works effectively, I talk too much…...
  • Once oil is hot, (on high gas) pour in the mixture, it should sizzle, put the lid on and wait 20 minutes.
  • Only after 20 minutes have a "Sneaky Pete” peep, if the lid rises a few centimetres, you are going to hit the jackpot. If looks a bit under done, leave a minute or two, but after 20 minutes it should be cooked. Take off stove, let it cool for a minute with the lid on.
  • Take the lid off your Omnia and with all the utensils in your drawer, get it out. My fish slice works well with a wooden spatula. Then serve with ice cream, jam, fruit, cream, sausages, onion gravy, or even chilli con-carne, Yorkshire Pudding goes well as an accompaniment to sweet or savoury dishes. Swedish, Gin & Tonic infused Yorkshire Pudding Enjoy, and don’t wander off to do other things, whilst you make this recipe.. HOT FAT!


Calories: 280kcalCarbohydrates: 41gProtein: 10gFat: 8gSaturated Fat: 2gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 5gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 87mgSodium: 54mgPotassium: 150mgFiber: 1gSugar: 3gVitamin A: 200IUCalcium: 76mgIron: 3mg
Keyword omnia, roast, stove top, vegetarian
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Fluffy Vegan Vancakes

vegan pancake recipe

Fluffy Vegan Vancakes

Vegan, Vegetarian
A campervan recipe every vegan should know! These pancakes (or vancakes as we call them) are fluffy and light and we top them with either berries and syrup or nutella and banana! What is your favourite pancake topping?
5 from 2 votes
Family friendly - Quick cook
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Baking, Breakfast, Dessert
Servings 2
Diet Vegan, Vegetarian


  • Silicone bowl


  • 1 cup Self Raising Flour
  • 1 cup Oat Milk
  • 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 2 tbsp Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1 tbsp Baking Powder


  • In a bowl mix together the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt.
    We use and love our collapsible silicone bowl.
  • In a separate bowl mix the milk, vanilla essence and cider vinegar. Leave for 5 minutes to infuse.
  • Combine the liquid with the dry mix and whisk until you have an airy batter with bubbles. Leave to rest for 5 minutes.
  • Heat a pan over a medium heat on your stove. No need for any oil, just make sure the pan is non-stick.
  • Pour half a ladle at a time in the centre of your pan. The mixture should be nice and thick. After one minute the batter should start bubbling and this means it is time to turn the pancake over. Cook for another minute on this side and then transfer the pancke to a plate, starting the stack. Repeat until the mixture has finished.
  • Drench the pancake stack in syrup, chocolate sauce, lemon or any topping that you love the most, Enjoy!


Serving: 3gCalories: 341kcalCarbohydrates: 71gProtein: 9gFat: 2gSaturated Fat: 1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 1276mgPotassium: 129mgFiber: 2gSugar: 22gVitamin A: 247IUCalcium: 535mgIron: 2mg
Keyword breakfast, diary free, pancake, vegan
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Featured Vanlifers – Alex & Amy

Meet Featured Vanlifers Alex and Amy..

Many things can happen when travelling on the road as a vanlifer, this includes falling in love. They met in 2018 whilst travelling separately in their vans and eventually reunited to join forces.

Meet the vanlifers..


Alex is better known as KiteVanMan, he has a big following on both Instagram @kitevanman and YouTube. A vanlifer keen on adventure, in particular kite surfing, vanlife is the perfect solution for being able to experience life to the fullest.

Alex became a vanlifer in 2017 and began travelling in his self converted van Joyce. In 2018 someone very special joined him on his vanlife adventures, and she has been by his side ever since. His beautiful dog Sen. They have travelled far and wide, visiting around 26 countries. These include Greece, Albania, Croatia, Sicily and Sardinia. On one of his most recent escapades to Morocco, Covid meant he was unable to leave! Based in a camp, food was limited at times. This meant Alex had to resort to catching his own food. That is sustainability at it’s finest right there! The experience has not deterred him though and it is a place he would like to go back to.

Alex and Sen finally managed to get back into Europe after a few setbacks. Once back in Spain they met back up with Amy and the trio are now planning many more adventures together.


Amy also a keen adventurer, has been experiencing vanlife and the adventures that can bring. She documents her travels on Insta @abundant.adventures She has a focus on health and has a plant based diet as well as being a fan of water fasting. Cooking in the van is something she enjoys, and clearly has a lot of patience for. She once cooked an apple and cinnamon cake over candlelight! It took 4 hours which we imagine made it taste all the better when ready.

The Van

A featured vanlifer article wouldn’t be the same without having a nosey into what they like to cook and eat…

The couple are currently travelling in Alex’s van Joyce. Their van kitchen is well equipped for knocking up some awesome vanlife meals. The van has hot running water, a definite luxury in a travelling home. The cooking set-up includes a twin burner hob and an oven with a grill – no more need for cooking by candlelight for Amy. All of these run off LPG, and their 12v compressor fridge runs off solar power. Amy’s favourite part of the van kitchen is the spice rack. Spices are a definite vanlife essential, they can improve even the most basic meal.

Meals that feature in these vanlifers diet?

Amy is vegan meaning their van pantry is always stocked up with fresh fruit and vegetables. They also like to make sure they always have nutritional yeast, garam masala and coconut milk.

Their go to meal has been bean wraps, and Alex would eat these for lunch and dinner every day if he could. Luckily Alex’s diet comprises more than just beans. This is just as well living in an enclosed space! One of their favourite meals to make in their van is their Butternut & Chickpea stew, the recipe can be found right here!

Campervan Moroccan Inspired Stew

They have had their share of cooking disasters including charcoal cake and exploding peppers, and are open to trying new things with cooking and food.

What’s next for our featured vanlifers Alex & Amy?

At the moment they are enjoying life in Spain. It has enough variety to keep the adventurers inside of them happy with beautiful beaches, great spots for kiting, mountain ranges and being able to take part in winter sports such as snowboarding. This is also where they met, so holds a special place in their hearts. They are planning many more travels and adventures though, with Alex’s favourite places including Albania and of course Morocco!

On future travels they may be quick to rectify any issues. When travelling Alex got his van stuck in sand one night. He drifted off to sleep in his pants, woke up the next morning and threw open Joyce’s doors to try and see what the issue was the night before… Only to find himself on a beach surrounded by sunbathers – unsurprisingly he described the experience as awkward.

The pair run a Van Life Digital Nomad group on Facebook – you can find the link here

Tips for fellow vanlifers

With all the inpirational van build videos on Alex’s kitevanman YouTube it is only appropriate to ask for any advice to future or fellow vanlifers.

  1. If converting the van yourself, build it around you! Think about what is important to you and prioritise that in the build. Really think about your personal needs when designing the layout
  2. Also, a word of warning for those considering a fruit hammock. Hang it as far from the wall as possible unless you like mashed mangoes and bruised apples. Plus a sticky wall!

Want to follow our featured vanlifers adventures?

Who wouldn’t want to see what these guys get up to on their travels? Here are all the links to our featured vanlifers socials, click on the links to head straight to their page.

Amy’s Insta: @abundant.adventures

Alex’s Insta: @kitevanman

Website: beacons.ai/kitevanman


Kaiser Otto Kartofflesalad


What do you do when stranded in Portugal during lockdown? Cook a german recipe on the beach of course! Here is a recipe from featured vanlifers @motorhominglife read their feature here.

Kaiser Otto Kartofflesalad

Meat Based
King of Potato Salads. A recipe dating back to when Germany had a king. It has developed over generations, as ingredients were discovered and became available. (This was made with salad cream in the 70's), before mayonnaise became known. Each Otto generation added their own touch. It's still a good salad using salad cream and plain yogurt. But that's another time.It's a great dish on its own, or as an accompaniment to a cold buffet, or BBQ with those over cooked sausages, or under cooked chicken?
4.50 from 2 votes
Prep Time 40 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Course Outdoor, Salad
Servings 4
Diet Meat Based


  • a good few handfuls of New or Old Potatoes
  • 2 medium White Onions
  • 6 slices Salami
  • 4 stick Celery
  • 6 medium sized Pickled Gherkin
  • 4 Frankfurters
  • 1 pinch Bee Pollen
  • 2 medium sized Eggs
  • 4 slices streaky smoked Bacon.
  • 1 bunch of Chives
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • 1 tbsp Mayonnaise heaped


  • You can use new or old potatoes.If new, rub down with water, and remove any black or bruised bits, slice in half. If old, peel and cut into quarters. Place into cold water and bring to the boil. Each type and variety of potato has a different cooking time. You can use my method to test. (Ask Sally-Anne). After about 10 minutes, Take a knife and stab a potato, and pull it out. If the potato comes out of the water, then it's not done. If it falls off the knife, it's done. If you break the potato, then they are over-done, but don’t panic they are OK, just a bit mushy when making Otto. When they are cooked, drain and allow to cool. Keep the hot water.
  • Put the water back on to boil, and gently lay your eggs in the hot water. Please use room temperature eggs. How long do you boil an egg to get a good sliceable egg, (not the runny type, the ones you dip your toasted solders in, sort of thing you have for breakfast). I boil mine for 15 minutes (take out with a big spoon and straight into cold water).
  • While the eggs are cooking, heat a skillet or small frying pan. Add in the bacon, or you can use pancetta, if you feel your budget can cope with it. A small win on the Euro lotto gives me pancetta in my Otto. Relax the use of salt during the recipe if using pancetta.
  • Fry until really crispy, then let them cool down in kitchen towel. Important.
  • Multitasking is the key, because, as this is all going on, take on other tasks, fast but precise and use the “knuckle method chopping”. Google it.
  • Celery, cut off top and bottom of each piece, wash and cut each piece longways 4-5 times. Hold together and slice into very small pieces, you need the crunch not the celery.
  • Then put in bowl, dollop of mayonnaise, and stir until all is coated. Add a pinch of salt, and a few turns of your black pepper mill.
  • Chives, just bunch up and chop according to your mood. No worries, place in the bowl and stir. That’s the colour.
  • Onions, peel, slice and chop very fine. Add to bowl, with a dollop of mayonnaise, and stir in to coat. If looking a bit dry, adding another dollop of mayonnaise is OK.
  • Slice the salami into long steps, put in bowl and stir.
  • Time to check the bacon (pancetta), if cool, keep in the kitchen roll, and bash with a wooded spoon. Add to the bowl with a dollop of mayonnaise. By doing, this you have just more added salt. Now, can you see how you’re building up the flavour and texture.
  • Now to add some pickle flavour, take the gherkins, and slice off any stems. Then slice long ways, and slice into pieces, not too small, you need the crunch, and the tang.
  • Meanwhile, as the eggs are cooling, place your Frankfurters into the hot water, and simmer for 2 minutes longer than on the instructions on the packet.
  • Add a pinch of pollen to the bowl and mix. You should have a jar in the cupboard, if not, why not? It gives you wings, a pinch every day in your yoghurt, or even in your coffee (not red hot coffee). Google it. Trust me.
  • By now your potatoes should be cool. Add to the bowl and fold in, you don’t want to break them up, yet. Big dollop of mayonnaise or even two, to cover potatoes liberally.
  • Shell the eggs and slice, put into bowl and fold in.
  • Add a pinch of salt, then pretend you are the pizza waiter in your local pizzeria, grind that black pepper. Now black pepper is important, and even though I’ve made Otto since the dinosaurs ruled the earth, I never put enough in, and I end up adding more when I have a portion. Probably better to do this the first time to gauge the pepper.
  • Remove the Frankfurters from the simmering water, and let them cool, it doesn’t take long. Add washing up liquid to the water and place to one side.
  • Once the Frankfurters are cooled, slice, and add to bowl, then add another dollop of mayonnaise and another pinch of salt.
  • Grand finale, get your big wooden spoon and stir. The potatoes shouldn’t break down. If they do, don’t boil them for as long next time, which will be almost impossible as they will be different potatoes… Not to worry. Add more mayonnaise if it looks dry, and a few more grinds of black pepper.
  • Decant into rectangular Tupperware type containers (other brands are available), seal and put in the fridge upside down over night. Use square and rectangle containers, as round bowls play havoc with the trigonometry of the fridge. Use the water with the washing up liquid in, to wash your utensils. Next morning turn over the containers. You can serve straight from fridge.
  • Its all about taste, creat your own signature dish, Queen Otto or King Otto the third. Maybe you want more of a pickle taste, add more gherkins; more crunch, more crispy bacon or celery. I have used Bratwust in the past, gives it a more meaty taste. Add chilli or capers, shallots instead of onions to tone the harshness down. King Otto isn’t a dictator, he wants you to enjoy the process, as enjoying the process enhances the flavour. And maybe some more salt and black pepper when you serve a portion.Ask first.Garnish with cherry tomatoes, cucumber and basil.Thank you for having a go. Descendant of King Otto
    Kaiser otto Kartofflesalad


Calories: 343kcalCarbohydrates: 15gProtein: 14gFat: 25gSaturated Fat: 8gPolyunsaturated Fat: 5gMonounsaturated Fat: 11gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 129mgSodium: 865mgPotassium: 377mgFiber: 2gSugar: 3gVitamin A: 324IUVitamin C: 6mgCalcium: 55mgIron: 2mg
Keyword bbq, gathering, outdoors, potato, salad, summer
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Moroccan inspired stew


Here is featured Vanlifers Alex & Amy’s recipe for Moroccan Inspired Stew.

This is what they have to say. ‘Our favourite meal to make in the van is a butternut and chickpea stew, or as we like to call it – our No Tagine, Tagine. Inspired by all the flavours of the Moroccan dish and served with almond and coriander couscous. It takes a while to cook, and uses lot’s of different ingredients, but the end result is SO worth it. We usually batch cook and eat it for a couple of days afterwards; it’s even better the next day!’

Read their feature here!

Campervan Moroccan Inspired Stew

Moroccan inspired stew

Vegan, Vegetarian
A delicious stew which is great for using up leftovers. Although it takes a while to cook, it's definitely worth it!
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 35 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 45 minutes
Course Dinner
Servings 4
Diet Vegan, Vegetarian


  • Tagine


  • 2 tbsp Vegetable Oil
  • 1 Large Onion
  • 4 Cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Cumin
  • 2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Paprika
  • 1/4 tsp Ground All Spice
  • 1 tsp Fresh Ginger (finely chopped)
  • 1 tsp Fresh Coriander (finely chopped)
  • 1 fresh chilli
  • 2 large tomatoes
  • 1 Slice of lemon
  • 1 tin of tomatoes
  • 4 Cardamon Pods
  • 3 Bay leaves
  • 1/2 Butternut Squash
  • 1 Medium / large potato (cubed)
  • 1 Tin of chickpeas
  • 1/4 cup Raisins
  • 3 Chopped dates (can use date syrup instead)
  • 1/4 cup Almonds
  • 2 cup Fresh Spinach
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • Couscous to accompany


  • To make this a one-pot wonder you can cook the butternut and potatoes in the stew, but this can take a while so we prefer to bake in the oven for 25 mins to make sure they’re extra soft. Or parboil them for 5-8 mins if an oven isn’t available.
  • Heat up the oil in a heavy-bottomed pot that you have a lid for.
  • Add the chopped onion and fry on a low-medium heat until they turn almost translucent (8-10 minutes), stirring occasionally.
  • Add the chopped garlic. Keep frying gently until the garlic softens completely (about 5 minutes).
  • Stir in all of the ground spices as well as the fresh chilli, coriander and ginger. Fry them off on a low heat for a minute or two (stirring the whole time – if they burn they’ll taste bitter).
  • Add the fresh tomatoes and squeeze the slice of lemon over the mixture. after a few minutes stir in the chopped tomatoes & 2 tins worth of water, also throw in the cardamom pods, bay leaves, raisins and salt. Cover and simmer, until the tomato chunks fall apart and become part of the sauce (about 45 minutes).
  • Remove the lid and add the butternut, potato and chickpeas. Keep cooking the stew on low-medium heat to allow excess water to evaporate so that it thickens.
  • Once the sauce thickens, taste it and season with black pepper, more salt if needed and add the chopped dates/date syrup.
  • Chuck in the spinach and almond halves for the last 10 minutes and cover the pot with a lid to allow them to cook into the sauce.
  • Serve over cooked couscous (which we make with a good shake of cinnamon and left over coriander almonds and raisins.


Calories: 285kcalCarbohydrates: 44gProtein: 6gFat: 12gSaturated Fat: 6gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 4gTrans Fat: 1gSodium: 29mgPotassium: 1094mgFiber: 8gSugar: 10gVitamin A: 12132IUVitamin C: 65mgCalcium: 138mgIron: 3mg
Keyword batch cooking, Stew, tagine, vegan, vegetarian, winter
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

True Pesto from Genoa


True Pesto from Genoa

As true Genoese here is the true recipe for an authentic pesto!! Attention!!! Add one ingredient at a time. It is very important not to put all the ingredients together.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Dips / Sauces
Servings 10
Diet Vegetarian



  • 3 Basil Plants
  • 50 ml Olive Oil
  • 1 pinch Garlic
  • 50 g Grated Cheese
  • 30 g Grated Sheep Cheese
  • 2 pinch Salt
  • 16 g Pine Nuts


  • Finely blend the basil leaves. Add cheese and blend, add salt and chop and so on, until all the ingredients are added.
  • Blend until creamy.
  • Your authentic Genoese Pesto is ready to taste!!


Calories: 83kcalCarbohydrates: 1gProtein: 2gFat: 8gSaturated Fat: 2gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 5gCholesterol: 8mgSodium: 72mgPotassium: 17mgFiber: 1gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 70IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 52mgIron: 1mg
Keyword Blender, dips, no cook, pesto, sauce, vegetarian
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!