This Potato Gnocchi recipe is a total game changer! If you thought the store bought stuff was good then this will be a reality check for you.
I am not going to lie, this can be a messy recpe and it is hard to get the right consistency so that the dumpling doesnt have too much flour and does not stick to everything. Practice with a left over potato sometime by adding a little flour until you form a fluffy non sticky dough.
The less flour means the fluffier the dumpling but the less flour also means the harder it is handle the dumplings!
The other thing to be prepared for is the amount of space you will need. When sperating the dumplings you do not want them to touch one another as they will stick together easily. I often find it easier to place the dumplings on a tea towel so its easier to to tip them into the water to cook.
Once you get the nack you will thoroughly enjoy making these!

Potato Gnocchi
- 2 Medium Potatoes
- 1 cup Plain Flour Type 00 is best
- Peel and boil the two potatoes in seasoned water. You could always use some leftover mash if you have some.
- When the potatoes are soft, remove from the boiling water, mash and allow to cool. Keep the potato water.
- When the mash is cool spread it out on a tray or worksurface.
- Add some of the flour and combine it together. Keep adding the flour until the potato forms a dough like consistancy. You want to use as little flour as you can but make sure the dough is not too sticky or else you will not be able to work it into dumplings.
- Seperate the dough into 8 and take each portion and roll it into a finger width sausage. You probably want to do this one at a time if you are limited on worktop space.
- Cut each sausage into section about the size of a fingernail. Use plemty of flour to stop them sticking to each other and the worksurface.
- Take your pasta board if you have one and roll each little pillow across the board pressing with your thumb to form some grooves and a curl in the pillow. You will end up with many grooved little dumplings everywhere. You may find it easier to place the dumplings on a tea towl or two. This stops them sticking and also helps off loading them into the water.
- Boil the potato water you saved earlier and when it reaches boiling point you can add the gnocchi. You will know when it is cooked because the gnocchi will rise to the surface of the water.
- Scoop or drain the gnocchi from the water and serve on a plate.
- Add your favourite sauce.
- Buon Appetito