Our unique Lemon Mascarpone Mince Pies offer a delightful twist on the classic holiday treat. These pies add a new layer of zesty lemon infused mascarpone cheese to sit above the fruity mincemeat layer, creating a unique flavor profile that’s both refreshing and indulgent.
Ideal for campervan cooking, this recipe is designed for simplicity and convenience with a mass of decadance. The mincemeat, paired with a lemon infused mascarpone topping, sits inside a buttery, flaky crust, making each bite a perfect balance of tart, sweet, and creamy textures.
Perfect for festive gatherings or cozy nights in your campervan, these pies will be a memorable addition to your holiday spread.

Lemon Mascarpone Mince Pies
- 1 Omnia Oven https://brownbirdandcompany.co.uk/?ref=vanlifeeats
- 1 Omnia Muffin Ring https://brownbirdandcompany.co.uk/?ref=vanlifeeats
- 3 Cups Flour
- 1/2 Cup Caster Sugar
- 225 g Unsalted Butter
- 1 pinch Salt
- 1 Egg Small
- 1 tbsp Icing Sugar For dusting
- 6 tbsp Mince meat Jarred and go as fancy as you like
- 1/2 cup Marscapone Cheese
- 2 tbsp Lemon Curd
- 1 Lemon rind
- Begin by preparing the pastry. Rub the butter into the flour, then stir in the golden caster sugar and a pinch of salt until well combined.
- Form the mixture into a ball. There's no need to add any liquid. The dough should be quite solid, resembling the texture of shortbread. It's ready to use immediately, but you can also refrigerate it for later use.
- Instead of heating an oven, set up your Omnia stove top oven ring on the hob. Shape the dough into small, walnut-sized balls and press them into the holes of your Omnia muffin mould to form the base of the pies. They are quite deep pies these! Oh and dont forget to save some dough for the lids!
- Create smaller balls of dough, flatten them between your palms to form lids that are just large enough to cover the pies.
- In a small bowl mix together the Mascarpone, the Lemon Curd and grate in the rind of 1 Lemon.
- Fill each pastry base with a layer of mincemeat and a layer of cheese.
- Place the lids on the pies, gently pressing the edges together to seal, they will naturally adhere.
- Break and beat an egg into a bowl or cup and brush each pie. This will add a golden finish to the pie.
Omnia Cooking
- They Omnia should be preheated for 5 minutes prior to cooking but briefly turn off the gas so that the flame doesnt burn you through the centre hole!
- Add the fully loaded muffin ring to the Omnia, place the lid on top and turn the flame back on to a low heat. The flame should be contained in the centre of the Omnia and not burning over the outer ring.
- Cook for 40 minutes until the tops look golden. Serve warm or cold!
@vanlifeeats Ever added Lemon Mascaponi as a different layer to your Mince Pies?? You haven’t lived!!! Recipe at vanlifeeats.com #christmas #mincepie #christmasrecipe #feativeseason #festivefood #festiverecipes #food #recipe #trendingrecipe #vanlife #vanlifeeats #vanconversion @Omniasweden @Tesco
♬ Le Monde – From Talk to Me – Richard Carter