Meet Vanlife Eats featured vanlifers Alfred’s Rolling Kitchen
Our latest featured vanlifers Alfred’s Rolling Kitchen are made up of Anne, Pascal & van dog Shiraz. You may have guessed by now that their van is called Alfred! This couple have a passion for travel as well as cooking.

More about Alfred’s Rolling Kitchen
Well you already know their names, so let’s find out some more about them! Pascal & Anne have always been foodies and really enjoy cooking. They saw no reason why this passion shouldn’t continue on the road. Their Instagram account illustrates this perfectly. Every meal looks like a beautifully presented piece of art, and super tasty!
The couple are from Switzerland originally and although back there at the moment they enjoyed a month travelling the island of Mallorca. Their future plans include travelling the South of Switzerland & Northern Spain. When limitations from the pandemic ease they would like to travel more of Europe. Alfred may even end up taking a trip to South America if their dream plans go ahead!

Why vanlife for these vanlifers?
Pascal has always had a real sense of wanderlust. After travelling the Greek Islands in their previous campervan ‘Bertha’ the decision to travel full time in their van was an easy one. Anne admits she wouldn’t have done it alone but she didn’t take much convincing that it was the best thing for them to do. She loves the sense of freedom this lifestyle brings & experiencing new cultures. So it is pretty ideal for both of them.
They purchased Alfred in November 2019 and had to wait for him to be imported from Germany. The conversion started in January 2020 and the couple did the conversion themselves. Pascal took on the building inside the van while Anne took on the task of making a van homely. They made the step to full-time vanlife of January this year.
There was one member of their family who was not keen on the nomadic lifestyle however – not Shiraz! The couple had a cat “Frau Büsi” (Ms Cat), she decided tiny living was not for her. Instead she decided farmlife was much more suited to her, and so abandoned the couple for a new life. They still visit her regularly though, just to remind her what she’s missing.

Alfred’s kitchen
Being as cooking is something this pair are so passionate about, naturally their van kitchen had to accommodate this. The kitchen is a big part of their tiny space and so was important in their build. They really make the most of finding different markets, buying some fresh produce & making some yummy food! A big part of their joy in cooking in the van is the great views to enjoy whilst cooking – as well as the odd parking lot.
To ensure they can store all the lovely fresh ingredients they get from the local markets, they have a big fridge. Like, mahoosive in terms of a van kitchen – it’s a regular household fridge – plenty of room. This is one part of their van kitchen they love, as well as their 5 flame gas stove. Luxury right there, most vanlifers only have 1 or 2 pans!

One of the limitations they say they face in their van is not having an oven. Due to this Anne left her precious KitchenAid in storage at home. As a passionate baker this was difficult for her. Although this is her favourite kitchen gadget the couple have some favourite vanlife kitchen accessories. What foodie would be complete without a good knife? This is one of their van kitchen essentials. Being as they love to take photos of their culinary concoctions, different crockery for their photos is another must.
So what do these self confessed foodies like to have in stock in their van pantry? They love a pasta dish and so pasta is always in supply. They also have garlic and olive oil as this is all they need to make a yummy pasta dish. Besides that they like to make sure they have coffee and milk in stock – definite vanlife essentials.

You may have guessed from their pooch’s name, these guys appreciate wine. Due to this Alfred has been fitted with a wine cellar! That’s something you don’t see everyday. They like to make sure they have a bottle of white and red in stock for the end of those hard days or to complement a good meal.
Obviously these vanlife foodies haven’t had any cooking disasters in their van, except when snacking on meat & cheese platters and then not being hungry for a proper meal later. They couldn’t pick a favourite meal, so why not head to their instagram and let them know which one is your favourite. They have shared their delicious macaroni recipe with us right here though!

Cooking tip for fellow vanlifers…
Always put a bit of the pasta water into the sauce – due to the starch it makes it much more smooth.
How to find our featured vanlifers
If you want to see more of the fantastic food they create in their van be sure to head to Instagram and give them a follow.
Instagram: @alfredsrollingkitchen

If you enjoy reading about fellow vanlifers and their experiences and travels, check out our previous featured vanlifers.