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Australian couple living full time in our van ** Vinny_the_van_diesel. After a year of slow van building while both working full time in hospitality we were due to hit the road and follow our dreams just as covid-19 decided to make an appearance! After a few months of lockdown this chef (sarahkai) and barista (sam) decided to take a leap of faith ! Here we are, living our dreams, having a fish, cooking up a storm, exploring our home land with love in our hearts and adventurous souls. Sarahkai and her serious interest in all the nutrients, adaptogens, suppliments and healing after surviving cancer during childhood. And Sam with a flare for bush craft, fishing and mountain biking. We are sure to get your taste buds titillating and feet itching. So jump on in and come along with us exploring the land down under! Check us out on Insta Vinny_the_van_diesel ?

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Vegan Banana & Blackberry ‘Nice’ Cream

A delicious recipe from featured vanlifers @vinny_the_van_diesel. This recipe is not only delicious, but it is vegan and gluten free too. It requires no...

Raw chocolate and peppermint tarts

These indulgent yet super healthy sweet treats are so easy to make.

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