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Top 10 Mushroom Recipes You Can Cook In A Small Van Kitchen | Mushroom Month 2021

Although mushrooms are delicious simply sautéed in a little butter, there is so much more you can do with them. Celebrate mushroom month with...

Ultimate Vanlife Vegan Chilli

The ultimate comfort food and this recipe is bursting full of rich zingy flavour that will leave you drooling away whilst it bubbles away on your van stove.

Mushroom Stroganoff

I use to make this one all the time back home, when I fancied something creamy and comforting. Here however, fresh mushrooms aren’t so easy to find, plus they aren’t cheap either. ​ If you’re in the south at the right time of year, you may be able to get your hands on some cheap wild mushrooms in the markets. The ones you want are the impressive Loyo mushrooms, from the porcini family. ​ For the most part, we ended up using tinned mushrooms. I won’t try and claim that these are the real thing, however they do have the advantage of being cheap, easy to find, and of course, lasting forever. By all means, use fresh if you can, but if not don’t be afraid to give these a go, you may be surprised. All the other ingredients for this recipe are also long life, so you can think about this one in the supermarket, and then forget about it till a rainy day.​
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A Must Try Recipe