5 Sustainable hacks all vanlifers NEED to know

5 sustainable hacks all vanlifers NEED to know! Sustainability sometimes comes hand in hand with cooking and eating a plant based diet. Both of these can be an expensive way to live. Here Alexandra Tsuneta of @gooftrooperz explains how anyone can make these changes in an affordable way. Her book ‘Cooking Tiny’ is the perfect tool for any of those wanting to make sustainable changes to their diet.

Cooking tiny cookbooks

Sustainable vanlifers

Being vegan and living a sustainable lifestyle can seem overpriced and out of reach for the average person, more so for the average van lifer. Sometimes it seems like the $12 green juices are what veganism is all about, instead of there being an emphasis on making a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle affordable for everyone.

This is why I wrote Cooking Tiny, a Vegan Cookbook for Nomadic Souls, because in order to create lasting change, veganism and sustainability must be feasible for all budgets and be more inclusive. In an effort to help show how affordable and easy veganism can be, I’ve compiled some simple recipes that can help you skip a trip to the store, save money, and live more sustainably.

For more recipes like this, check me out on Instagram and order my book, Cooking Tiny, via this link! Available now!

Nuts, tomatoes on the vine, lentils and pommegranite

Sustainable hack for vanlifers #1

Make your own milk!

Homemade Oat Milk

Oat milk is not only the best milk alternative (in my humble opinion), it is also the most sustainable milk alternative!

“Thus far, oat milk does have a lower adverse environmental impact, compared to soy and almond. To produce one pound of oats, it takes one-sixth the amount of water and resources needed to produce one pound of almonds. Furthermore, oats also use 80% less land to grow than dairy milk. In fact, a glass of oat milk is responsible for less greenhouse gas emissions than soy milk or dairy milk,” The Cornell Daily Sun

That being said, oat milk can run you about $4-$5 a half-gallon, which in my house lasts about a week (we’re big coffee drinkers). So, I found a way to make oat milk for a fraction of the price and it lasts about a week as well! It is the simplest recipe and takes about five minutes to prepare.

Pile of oats


  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 4 cups water (or less for creamier milk—I use 3 cups)
  • 1 pitted date or 1 tablespoon maple syrup (optional, for sweetness)
  • 1 pinch salt

And whatever add-ins you want: vanilla for vanilla milk, a handful of berries for berry milk, cocoa powder for chocolate milk — all of these are optional but fun!


  1. Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend for about 30 seconds.
  2. Strain into a large bowl using a cheesecloth.

And there you have it, lasts up to one week in the fridge and is the most delicious oat milk you’ll ever drink!

Oat milk in a glass jar, oats scattered around

Sustainable hack for vanlifers #2

Save money and plastic by making your own hummus

Homemade Hummus

Buying hummus at the store is bananas; it is the easiest thing to make and a small amount of hummus at the store can cost anywhere from $4–$8, while canned chickpeas will only cost you a buck. Make your own!


  • 1 can garbanzo beans with a small amount of aquafaba (the liquid from the can)
  • 1 tablespoon tahini
  • ½ tablespoon olive oil
  • ½ lemon, squeezed
  • Water (about ½ cup, but add as you go for the consistency you like)

And whatever seasonings you want! I usually add two cloves of garlic, but go wild! Add some harissa or jalapeño peppers, or anything that sounds delicious to you.


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

The easiest and best hummus you’ll ever have. Keeps in the fridge just like store-bought hummus but costs way less and tastes way better.


Sustainable hack for vanlifers #3

Make cleaning a breeze with your own van-made cleaner

Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner

Okay, stop and hear me when I say this: Different cleaners for different rooms is such a sham! You do not need a thousand different cleaners for your home, just one, reliable, all-purpose cleaner. Try this one for super easy cleaning.


  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 15 drops whatever essential oil you like, if you want a specific scent (optional)


  • Add all to a 16-ounce spray bottle and shake to combine.
  • That’s it, it’s so simple and it will last you the same amount of time as store-bought cleaner. Also, 128oz of white vinegar costs under $3 — that’s a lot of all-purpose cleaner!
Re-useable plastic spray bottle with white flowers lying next to it

Sustainable hack for vanlifers #4

Very Easy, No-Knead, No Stand-Mixer Bread

For my baking challenged people, this one is for you. You don’t need any fancy equipment to swap out store-bought bread and the plastic it is wrapped in for a delicious homemade version that can be easily modified to your taste.


  • 3 cups flour
  • 2¼ teaspoon active dry yeast
  • 2 teaspoon salt
  • ½ cups water

Then, whatever add-ins you like. I like to add garlic and vegan parm for a garlic/parm loaf — or, super-secret trick: 2 teaspoons of everything bagel seasoning is incredible.


  1. Add ingredients in order (very important because water impacts the yeast). If you are including additional add-ins, put those in before water.
  2. Slightly mix with a fork until dough is combined.
  3. Cover with a lid for 30 minutes.
  4. Open up and fold your dough over itself, cover for another 30 minutes.
  5. Open up and fold again, cover for an hour.
  6. Scrape the dough out onto a well-floured kitchen towel, shape into a loaf, and let rise for 45–60 minutes. While this is happening position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat at 475°F for at least 30 minutes (longer if you are using a baking stone).
  7. Lower the heat to 450°F and bake for 35 minutes.

Most of this recipe is just letting the dough sit on the counter. You can sub out ¾ white flour or bread flour for spelt flour or whole wheat flour for a heartier loaf!

Close up shot of a fresh wholemeal loaf

Sustainable hack for vanlifers #5

DIY Plant Fertilizer

Not only can you make plant fertilizer for all of your indoor/outdoor plants but you can do it by not wasting other throw-away compostable scraps! Here are a few methods to make plant fertilizer at home and without all of the non-vegan additives and grossness (chicken bones, ew).

  1. Coffee grounds: Instead of throwing these away, save them, and fertilize your plants with them.
  2. Rice water: The water you rinse your rice with is full of nutrients and can also be used to fertilize/water your plants! Also, side note: It makes a great rinse for your hair, or you can wash your face with it.
  3. Banana peels: Take your old banana peels, put em’ in a mason jar with water, and let sit for a day. Water your plants!

Banana peel on bright yellow background

What are you waiting for?

All of these are so easy and you can reuse old kitchen scraps instead of wasting them.

The great thing about all of these recipes and ideas is that they are all zero waste. You can create, reuse, and save a lot of money on basic items by making them yourself! All of these ideas are extremely simple and can be used and implemented with very limited effort and basic household supplies.

Let us know your sustainable hacks vanlifers need to know in the comments below!

If you want to write for us drop us an email at hello@vanlifeeats.com

Vinny the van diesel

Latest featured vanlifers Sarahkai and Sam tell us about their experiences in their van Vinny the Van Diesel. Find out what these Aussie vanlifers like to cook and eat in their van. Also, their ups and downs of being vanlifers.

Sarahkai and Sam have one of our favourite Instagram accounts. They post regularly, take great photos and make incredible looking food – it looks too good to have been made in a van! You can check out their Instagram right here and follow along on their travels too.

Sarahkai and Sam sitting together in the desert with the sun setting behind them.

More about featured vanlifers Sarahkai and Sam

Sarahkai and Sam are a couple travelling Australia full-time in their van, Vinny the Van Diesel. This couple have been experiencing vanlife for the last 2 years. Travelling Australia in a van was something the couple had dreamed of for a while. After a difficult period in their lives – their life exploded around them in their words, they decided to make something positive from it. They knew then that this was the time for them to start their vanlife journey.

Purple flowers in the foreground with Vinny thr Van parked behind. Blue skies in the background

That’s when they saw Vinny. Vinny was a 20 year old van who had already completed a lap of Australia with his backpacker owners, now it was time for him to share the journey with someone else!

He had the very bare necessities of a bed and some shelves. Sarahkai and Sam worked hard to save for their travels whilst Sam converted the van at the same time. The build was completed on a budget to maximise their travel fund. Sam built a pull-out kitchen and pull out wardrobe, they added a water supply and solar power, and Vinny was ready for another adventure!

Looking out from the bed in the van, the back doors are open and the sea is in the background.

Their van… Vinny the van diesel

Doing the build themselves gave Sarahkai and Sam the opportunity to make Vinny as they wanted him. They love the homely feel Vinny has, which is essential when it is your home, even if it is on wheels. The wood inside and warm colours adds to this homely feel for them. As well as this they have a mini garden on their dash, and some momentos they have collected during their travels.

This couple like to go off grid and having a 110l water tank enables them to do this. They also like to do a lot of walking and hiking, so having a shower is essential to them as it can get pretty hot and sweaty hiking in Australia.

Sarahkai and Sam stood in front of a large red rock in the desert.

When vanlifers go offgrid…

Sometimes being off grid has it’s disadvantages though! After driving through the desert in 40c heat for hours the couple found a great park-up. Sweat and red dust is not a good combination for getting into bed so the couple decide to freshen up and set-up their shower outside before bed. It all sounds pretty perfect so far, the sun is setting there is no-body around – except a tonne of flies and the odd cockatoo. The couple decide to save time and not set up the tent but just shower in nature. Taking it in turns to cover each other should anyone turn up, Sam goes first. Once nice and refreshed, he gets dressed and gets ready to hide Sarahkai. She gets undressed gets under the shower, Sam switches it on for her and ‘CLUNK’

The couple suddenly realise the seriousness of the situation, they have no water and they are in the desert in the heat. The water pump had broken so they had 100l of water that they were unable to access! Plus Sarahkai was still covered in dust. After a very uncomfortable night, taking tiny sips of the drinking water they had left, they set off in search of a service station. 200km later they found one, which was shut! They managed to get some water, although it was labelled ‘non-potable’. They had no choice but to drink it,although it isn’t something they would recommend they lived to tell the tale. It took a whole month to get a new pump!

Vinny the van in the foreground of the photo with a sunset behind a large rock in the background.

Their van kitchen

The advantage of doing their own van build meant they could have their kitchen just as they wanted it! Sam created a kitchen which pulls out from under the bed. This stores their pots, pans and the kitchen sink. They prefer to cook outside, but do have a camp companion (similar to jet boil) for when they need to cook indoors.

When cooking outside they like to cook with a campfire and quite often dig a hole for their dutch oven and create some yummy baked goods! Most recently they built their own outdoor pizza oven using flat rocks, and a mud slurry from the river bed. The pizzas looked epic and they left the oven with a note for the next campers to enjoy.

Two bowls of food on a table in the back of the van. The van doors are open and the sea can be seen.

Vinny, Sarahkai, Sam and food!

If you follow Sarahkai and Sam on Instagram or YouTube you will know that food is very important to them. They like to eat healthy, clean food and they seem to eat with their eyes as much as their mouths – it all looks fabulous.

Sarahkai is a cancer survivor and a trained chef specialising in health foods – this means the couple strive to eat a super healthy diet. They generally eat a vegan, gluten free diet but not exclusively. They do eat dairy products and meat on occasion, but definitely avoid junk or processed foods.

Plate of food in the sunshine. Charred fish, folded wrap and roasted vegetables.

Every day the couple have a smoothie bowl, packed full of vitamins and nutrients. Having solar power means they have enough power for the nutribullet, which is one of their favourite van kitchen accessories.

Sarahkai does most of the cooking and meal prep, and her favourite thing to make at the moment are buckwheat flat breads. They are very versatile and can be used for tacos, served with houmous or even as chapatis for curry night! A wine bottle comes in useful to double up as a rolling pin for these!

Check out their amazing recipes right here on our site!

Raw Chocolate and Peppermint tarts

Vegan Banana and Blackberry ‘Nice’ Cream

Vanlife experiences

Vanlife can bring the most amazing experiences as Sarahkai and Sam agree. They love the freedom vanlife brings, and being immersed in the nature around them. The couple really feel this helps heal their mind, bodies and spirits. They enjoy watching the sunrise & sunsets, as well as the nature around them, all from their tiny home. What’s not to love?

The ever changing views in their ‘loyal old stead’ means they are looking forward to a long time of adventuring ahead of them.

Vanlife does come with it’s own issues on occasion however – a problem that many vanlifers have experienced – leaks! In the Daintree rainforest Sarahkai and Sam experienced a few weeks of rain in a humid environment. They woke one morning to leaks and mould on the wood lining. The left the humidity and drove to the dry outback, parked up in a caravan park and stripped and rebuilt Vinny.

Vinny in the bush

Where to find featured vanlifers Sarahkai and Sam…

Sarahkai and Sam leave painted rocks on their travels, so if you find one on your travels be sure to take a photo and let them know!

Instagram: @feeding.the_fam


View through the windscreen. Plants and trinkets are on the dash in the foreground, with an empty road a beautiful sunset in the background.

Want to be featured on

To apply for a featured post on vanlifeeats.com simply follow this link and fill out the application form. We promote all featured van lifers across all our social media networks, we send out a “featured Van Lifer” sticker for your van as well as awarding you a prestigious badge for your profile on our website.

Vegan Banana & Blackberry ‘Nice’ Cream

A delicious recipe from featured vanlifers @vinny_the_van_diesel. This recipe is not only delicious, but it is vegan and gluten free too. It requires no cooking, so an ideal campervan recipe.

You could try adding chopped nuts as a topping, or even try mixing up the flavours. Let us know what flavour combinations you come up with below in the comments. This recipe requires a freezer and blender.

Read their feature here

Blackberry & banana Nice cream topped with chopped nuts

Vegan Blackberry and Banana nice cream

A delicious, quick and easy healthy dessert. Also vegan and gluten free!
5 from 1 vote
5 ingredients or less – No cook
Cook Time 5 minutes
Freezing time 12 hours
Total Time 12 hours 5 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 2
Diet Vegan


  • Freezer
  • Nutri-bullet / blender


  • 2 Banana (frozen)
  • 1 handful Blackberries (frozen)
  • 1-2 tbsp Maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp Cacao powder
  • 1 handful Cacao nibs


  • Put the bananas & blackberries into the freezer to freeze.
  • Remove and cut the banana into inch size chunks.
  • In nutribullet or blender add all ingredients except the cacao nibs. You can add plant based milk if required.
  • Serve and sprinkle cacao nibs on the top!


Calories: 141kcalCarbohydrates: 35gProtein: 2gFat: 1gSaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 3mgPotassium: 484mgFiber: 4gSugar: 20gVitamin A: 77IUVitamin C: 10mgCalcium: 20mgIron: 1mg
Keyword dessert, fruit, gluten free, quick, raw, Simple, vegan
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

This isn’t the only delicious vegan dessert these guys have come up with. Click here to see more about them and see their raw chocolate & peppermint tarts!

Vangirl Cooks

Latest featured vanlifer Mallory is of Vangirl Cooks. She is a girl who loves plants, travel and cooking! Make sure to give Mallory a follow on Instagram and follow her travels as a solo female vanlifer.

Mallory has been travelling full-time in her van GiGi since October 2020, and is based in the United States.

Woman standing in doorway of her campervan

Vangirl travel

As mentioned Mallory is a solo female traveller, she has no pets but says she manages to keep some plants alive on her travels, which she feels is enough at the moment. Travelling as a female alone can unfortunately be quite intimidating at times. Mallory feels travelling alone has helped her personal growth greatly.

She very clearly can remember the first night alone in her van that she felt safe. It took a few weeks into her solo travels for her to reach this mindset. She parked up next to a gorgeous lake, and remembers having no paranoid thoughts as she drifted off to a comfortable sleep. She says this was the first night she felt like the van was her home.

Luckily during her travels so far she has only encountered a couple of issues. One being in the freezing cold and her diesel heater not working! The other was getting stuck in the mud (just ask previous featured vanlifers @donatellavansace. We’ve all been there!). Luckily a kind samaratian with a tractor saved the day, Gigi was able to continue on.

All in all Mallory LOVES the solo traveller life! She can decide where she travels to next and when. Working remotely from her van means there are no ties with work either. She has only had good experiences and has met plenty of other solo travellers on her journey. She always feels a sense of camaraderie when meeting other female solo travellers, and they can share their experiences together.

Girl in front of white campervan lighting a campfire

Vangirl Mallory’s van

Mallory purchased the van already converted, but it has everything she could have wanted. She has obviously added some personal touches to this tiny space to make it her home. The van is kitted out with a bathroom with a shower – which is ideal as this girl likes to go paddleboarding. There is also solar power and plenty of storage, even with room for an inflatable paddleboard.

Hand painted wall in campervan.

One of her best friends created the hand painted wall in GiGi. As a solo traveller this brings some comfort to Mallory and reminds her of her friends and at home when she is feeling isolated. Another of her favourite features is the little window by her head which is perfect for watching a sunrise & helps create a lovely breeze through the van.

One of the things Mallory couldn’t be without is her mobile hotspot. Working remotely from her van, means reliable internet is a necessity. It allows her to stay connected for her job as a science strategist.

Campervan with all doors open, looking onto a sandy area with fences.

Vangirl Cooks

Mallory is a well prepared vanlifer. She has an induction hob in her van, and this is ideal if she wants a quick set-up. If however, the van batteries are low, she has the back up of a propane camping burner. Having these 2 systems means she can have 2 things on the go at the same time for when you want something more than a one pan meal.

One ingredient that is definitely a staple in Mallory’s van kitchen are eggs! In fact she cooks with them so often her friends joke that her page should be called @vangirl_cooks_eggs!

Bowl of eggs on the side in a campervan kitchen

Her kitchen doesn’t come without its faults and quirks though, just like any van kitchen. Her induction hub doesn’t work currently, neither does her water pump. Plus her fridge likes to open and share it’s contents every time she takes a sharp left turn – the joys of vanlife!

Her favourite van kitchen accessory is her hot water heater for pour over coffee. A girl has to have some luxuries on the road!

Her favourite recipe to make in her van, is this Creamy Chicken pasta recipe. We can see why, if you try it be sure to rate it!

What’s next for featured vanlifer Mallory?

At the moment she is really enjoying her solo travels. She loves meeting fellow vanlifers and connects with them regularly. She recently saw someone she follows on Insta sharing photos near where she was. She contacted them and they met up for a well deserved beer and chat.

She has big travel plans for the future, the world is her oyster as she puts it! There are plans to head to California, Oregon, Washington, Idado, Montanta, Colarado and Utah. That is one hell of a road trip. Mallory is on a quest to find the wildest hot springs she can find – so any tips, send her a DM on Insta!

View from a van window, driving through a desert setting

Mallory’s tip for fellow vanlifers

“Just take the plunge and do it. And also, buy a heater”

Insta: @vangirl_cooks

Want to be a featured vanlifer?

Want to be featured on

To apply for a featured post on vanlifeeats.com simply follow this link and fill out the application form. We promote all featured van lifers across all our social media networks, we send out a “featured Van Lifer” sticker for your van as well as awarding you a prestigious badge for your profile on our website.

Creamy Chicken with sun-dried tomatoes over pasta

campervan recipe creamy chicken pasta

Creamy chicken with sun-dried tomatoes over pasta

Meat Based
This delicious recipe is a favourite of featured vanlifer @vangirl_cooks. This recipe is quick and easy to prepare and tastes delicious too!
5 from 2 votes
Stove top meal
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Course Dinner
Servings 2
Diet Meat Based


  • Skillet


  • 1 lb boneless skinless chicken thighs
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1/2 onion
  • 3 tbsp sun-dried tomatoes chopped
  • 2 handfuls spinach
  • 2 garlic cloves chopped very finely
  • 1/3- 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup parmesan cheese
  • parsley chopped, for garnish
  • Salt and pepper
  • 150 g Pasta of your choosing cooked to your liking


  • Season and brown the chicken in a large cast iron skillet over medium to medium high heat in butter until nearly done.
  • Remove from skillet
  • Saute chopped onion in the remaining butter for 5 minutes until soft and beginning to carmelize
  • Add garlic, sundried tomatoes, and spinach. Cook until spinach softens. Add a little salt to taste
  • Nestle chicken back to pan. Add heavy cream and simmer until chicken is cooked through
  • Add parmesan cheese, stir to combine
  • Finish with parsley and serve over pasta


Calories: 1007kcalCarbohydrates: 69gProtein: 64gFat: 52gSaturated Fat: 28gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 364mgSodium: 571mgPotassium: 1309mgFiber: 5gSugar: 7gVitamin A: 4547IUVitamin C: 15mgCalcium: 365mgIron: 5mg
Keyword chicken, Easy, italian, pasta, Simple, skillet
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


These delicious vegan one pot meals are ideal if you have limited kitchen space in your van. If you want great tasting meals without ending up with a mountain of dishes after dinner, these one pot wonders are perfect for you.

Our goal is that you never feel the need to compromise on tasty food when living or travelling in a van. This post on vegan one pot meals will give you inspiration for delicious dishes you can make while keeping the washing up to a minimum.

Whether you are vegan, vegetarian or just fancy a meat-free Monday, there is a recipe on this list for you, no matter what your cooking ability.

These vegan meals are sure to impress anyone you cook for and we hope you find this post inspiring and gain some ideas for your next weekly meal plan.

This post is all about vegan one pot meals to cook in a van.

One Thing To Note

Here at Van Life Eats, we love recreating meals inspired by travel and adventure. As fellow van lifers, we know that you also value the experiences that van life can offer. Including the ability to experience cuisines from different cultures.

The recipes listed in this post have been inspired by traditional cuisines from around the world. However, please note, these recipes are adaptations of popular cuisines, made to suit a small van kitchen, using ingredients more commonly found in western store cupboards. These recipes do not claim to be representative of traditional dishes but are alternatives optimised for cooking in small kitchen space to allow appreciation of flavours inspired by our travels.

Vegan One Pot Meals To Cook In A Van

People often assume that cooking in a van will mean compromising on tasty food. Expecting our meals to be mostly instant noodles or beans on toast (no shade, we still love a good pot noodle and beans on toast is always a winner) but there is so much more than that. Even as a vegan, there are endless possibilities for meals to cook in your van, you just need a little creativity and some inspiration.

We have chosen the very best vegan one pot meals packed full of flavour that you can make without spending hours in the kitchen cooking or washing up. We’re hungry just looking at these food photos and we are confident these meal ideas are a sure-fire way to get your taste buds tingling, and get you excited to cook your next meal.

Here are 15 insanely delicious meal ideas. Plus read to the end for a bonus recommendation at number 16!

Don’t forget to tag us @vanlife_eats if you make any of these amazing vegan one pot meals. We’d love to share your creations with our ever-growing van life community.

Warming Pumpkin Dahl

vanlife-Emilly's Warming Pumpkin Dahl
Full Recipe Here

We had to kick off this list with something spicy! This pumpkin dahl is great if you fancy a dish with a whole lot of flavour. This is one of our go-to Autumn-Winter staples.

If you are struggling to find a pumpkin after the Halloween season, try this recipe with butternut squash instead.

Butternut Squash, Apricot, Chickpea and Chard curry

vanlife-Butternut Squash, Apricot, Chick Pea and Chard curry
Full Recipe Here

If you like creamy, hearty one pot wonders this recipe is for you. The sweet apricot in this dish really brings together the flavours.

Plus most of the ingredients can be found without a tonne of plastic packaging, which we think is brilliant.

Moroccan inspired stew

Campervan Moroccan Inspired Stew
Full Recipe Here

This recipe takes a little longer to cook than your average dinner, but it’s so worth it. The flavours are delicious and you can always batch cook this for a few days worth of meals.

Jackfruit chilli one pot

jackfruit chilli
Full Recipe Here

On the opposite end, this jackfruit chilli takes almost zero prep time. If you haven’t tried jackfruit, this easy recipe is a great way to experiment with a new ingredient.

Sweet Potato and Lentil Curry

sweet potato lentil curry
Full Recipe Here

This super easy curry is a great allergen-friendly dish, being vegan, gluten-free, and nut-free! You can serve this with rice, naan bread and other Indian sides or serve as is for a one pot meal.


vegan-risotto recipe
Full Recipe Here

This vegan risotto recipe is my go-to, flavoured with lemon, garlic and fresh mint, serve with peas, sweetcorn and asparagus for some extra hidden veggies.

Risotto might sound like a ‘high maintenance’ meal, considering you need to constantly stir the rice, but it is perfect for a beginner who wants to get a little more hands-on in the kitchen.


Full Recipe here

 This ramen needs to be on your list of vegan one pot recipes to make if you love cosy, flavourful meals. It is super filling and, if you fancy it, you can get creative and change up the toppings to take the flavour to the next level.

Creamy Vegetable Soup

Full Recipe Here

Vegetable soup is one of our ultimate simple winter warmer comfort foods. We love adding a tin of coconut milk to our root vegetable soups, to add a creamy texture and extra depth of flavour. Plus adding coconut milk will keep you fuller for longer.

If you’re feeling up to the challenge, you could make this soup using homemade stock, to reduce food waste and get that home comfort feel.

Pad Thai

Full Recipe Here

Pad Thai is always a crowd favourite and we love it for a lighter meal option. It is full of flavour and we love that most of the sauce ingredients are some of our cupboard essentials already.

Kale, Mushroom and Garlic Spaghetti

Full Recipe Here

Sometimes simple is best. This pasta dish is hearty and comforting and is perfect after a day of hiking when you need a refuel. The caramelised mushrooms add that depth of flavour which will keep you putting this on your meal plan for weeks.

Pesto Pasta

What could be easier than boiling up some pasta and chucking in a jar of vegan pesto with some veggies? This is a great option for those days when you want a minimal effort meal. Plus pesto pasta makes a great leftover lunch if you are lucky enough to have a fridge on board.


Maybe you thought we were going to leave this staple off the list and just focus on dinner options, but we just couldn’t leave this breakfast staple off the list.

Customise your oatmeal with toppings such as nut butter, fruit, syrup, nuts and seeds or even try out a ‘carrot cake’ oatmeal! The possibilities are endless. Let us know your favourite toppings by sending us a picture of your top toppings on Instagram.

Stir Fry

There are so many options when it comes to stir fry which is why it had to make our list. Stir fry is perfect for using up any vegetables that need eating. Our favourite stir fry sauces are sweet ‘n’ sour, hoisin and garlic, and peanut satay.


Whether you prefer to use a vegan ‘beef’ substitute or opt for bean tacos these are a great option for a one pot meal. Serve with soft or crunchy shells, shredded lettuce, salsa, homemade guacamole and fresh coriander/cilantro and you are on to a winner.

Vegetarian Sushi

The reason we love sushi so much is that you can keep your rice and nori (seaweed) in your cupboard for when you need them, add a few veggies and some sauce and there is one super meal right there. Great for a lunch or dinner option, vegan sushi is the way to go!

You only need one pan to boil your rice. While your rice is cooking, finely chop your fillings such as bell peppers, carrot, cucumber, spring onion, avocado, and tofu. To take your sushi to the next level make sure to season your rice with rice vinegar, mirin, sugar and salt. This really makes the sushi flavours pop! And if you thought we would stop there, think again. Serve up your fabulous sushi with a dip of sriracha mayonnaise and soy sauce.

SO Vegan Cookbook: One Pot Vegan

Feeling inspired for some more vegan recipes? Roxy and Ben from SO Vegan created this epic one pot vegan cookbook we know you’ll love if you are on the hunt for more tasty vegan meals. This book would also make the perfect gift for any vegan or van lifer out there.

This post was all about vegan one pot meals to cook in a van.

Think you’ve got a pretty mean vegan one pot meal we should have included in this list? Why not send in your recipe. We would love to take a look and potentially feature you on our blog soon!

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Vegetarian Skillet Lasagne


Vegetarian Skillet Lasagne

Who said you need an oven to make lasagne? This one pan recipe is simply delicious! Zingy tomato, creamy cheese with spinach and crunchy pine nuts! Soooooo good!
5 from 2 votes
One-pan – Stove top meal
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 32 minutes
Course Dinner
Servings 2
Diet Vegetarian


  • 5 Fresh Pasta Sheets Cut into strips
  • 400 g Tomato Tinned
  • 1 tbsp Tomato Puree
  • 3 tbsp Mascapone Cheese
  • 3 Shallots
  • 2 cups Spinach
  • 1 cup Mozzarella Cheese Grated
  • 2 Cloves Garlic
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil Extra Virgin
  • ¼ cup Pine Nuts
  • 1 tbsp Oregano Dried
  • ½ tsp Salt


  • Heat your skillet pan over a medium heat and dry roast your pine nuts for 2 minutes. Remove from the pan and leave in a bowl for later.
  • Add the olive oil to the hot pan and add the chopped shallots. Fry for 2 minutes.
  • Add the garlic, tomato, the tomato puree, salt and the dried oregano to the pan and give it a good mix. Let it simmer with the lid off for 3 minutes.
  • Stir in the mascapone cheese, spinach and the pasta sheet strips. Place the lid on the skillet and leave to simmer for 20 minutes.
    Important – Stir and add a splash of water half way through.
  • Remove the lid and stir in the cup of mozzarella cheese and the pine nuts.
  • Serve in a bowl with a side of crusty bread.


Calories: 831kcalCarbohydrates: 80gProtein: 32gFat: 44gSaturated Fat: 16gCholesterol: 143mgSodium: 1014mgPotassium: 1177mgFiber: 6gSugar: 10gVitamin A: 5312IUVitamin C: 41mgCalcium: 444mgIron: 8mg
Keyword cheese, lasagne, pasta, spinach, tomato
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Chilli Mint Lamb Cutlets

camping lamb recipe

Chilli Mint Lamb Cutlets

Vanlife Eats
Meat Based
Quick and simple to cook in your van and one of the tastiest cuts of meats. A great BBQ alternative inside your van.
5 from 1 vote
Stove top meal
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Dinner
Servings 2 People
Diet Meat Based



The Lamb

  • 1 Rack of Lamb Cut into cutlets and french trimmed

The Marinade

  • ½ Lemon Juiced
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 2 tsp Dried Mint
  • 1 tsp Dried Chilli Flakes
  • 5 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 2 Clove Garlic Minced

The Mint Sauce

  • 2 Cups Fresh Mint
  • ½ Lemon Juiced
  • 5 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Clove Garlic
  • 1 Pinch Sugar

The Extras

  • 1 Cup New Potatoes Baby
  • 1 Cup Rocket


  • Add the potatoes and a cup of water to your skillet pan. Leave the lid on and turn up to a high heat.
  • In a small food grade bag/bowl or container, add all the ingredients for the marinade. Mix well and add the lamb cutlets making sure they are well coated. Cover and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Whilst the lamb is marinating and the potatoes are steaming make the mint sauce by adding all the ingredients to your manual food processor and blitz thoroughly.
  • After the 20 minutes have passed for the marinating of the lamb, remove the lid from the skillet pan. All the liquid should have evaporated by now but if not pour away any remaining liquid. Add the lamb cutlets to the pan and cook over a high heat for 3 minutes each side.
    Turn the potatoes after 3 minutes too to get them crispy all over.
  • Serve on a bed of rocket and drizzle with your fresh mint sauce.


Calories: 1662kcalCarbohydrates: 28gProtein: 41gFat: 156gSaturated Fat: 47gCholesterol: 189mgSodium: 1344mgPotassium: 1203mgFiber: 8gSugar: 3gVitamin A: 2512IUVitamin C: 61mgCalcium: 206mgIron: 8mg
Keyword lamb, mint, spring
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

21 Vanlife Kitchen Essentials Every Vegan Vanlifer Needs In Their Store Cupboard

These are the top vegan van life kitchen essentials we couldn’t live without on our van trips. If you’re feeling nervous about maintaining a vegan lifestyle while away in your van, this post will give you inspiration on what vegan van life kitchen essentials to stock up on so you feel prepared and in control.

Whether you’re going away for a weekend in a city or embarking on a 3-month long trip exploring a totally new part of the world, this post about vegan van life kitchen essentials will give you some great ideas on what to fill your cupboard with.

Being vegan in 2021 is easier than ever. We hope that this list of top van life kitchen essentials will give you the confidence to go travelling in your van as a vegan. Even if you are not vegan or just flexitarian this might be a helpful list to have with you when packing your van for your next trip away.

Here is everything you need to know about the most cupboard friendly, long shelf life foods we couldn’t leave behind.

This post is all about the Vegan Van Life Kitchen Essentials.

Vegan Van Life Kitchen Essentials

Living in a van means you need to be space-savvy, creative and a little more organised than usual. It may be a challenge if you aren’t a seasoned van-lifer, but we promise that you do not need to compromise on making great, tasty food while travelling.

Cooking on the road is not only essential to fuel you for your adventure, but it’s a huge part of the fun! Creating a delicious meal to enjoy with a beautiful view and great company, could soon be one of your favourite parts about van life. After a day of driving, hiking or sightseeing, there is nothing your body needs more than a delicious homemade meal.

Here are 21 ideas on what to stock your cupboards with before you leave for your next trip. If you’ve had a long day these staples can be used on their own to make a delicious, easy meal or you could add in some fresh items to level up your cooking.

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more Van Life Inspo and Easy Meal Ideas for small kitchens!

1. Pasta, Rice, Dry Udon Noodles, Couscous

As much as we love potatoes and bread, dry carbs are perfect for a van life kitchen cupboard. They will keep for months and you can always have them on hand for a quick carb addition to any meal. Plus these carbs are a super cheap way to cook a filling meal.

Pasta is top of this cupboard essentials list. From pesto pasta to pasta salad to spaghetti bolognese, it’s for sure something we couldn’t leave behind. Couscous is great for a salad with some fresh veggies and a simple olive oil, balsamic vinegar dressing. Noodles and rice are wonderful in chilli, curry, stir fry and more!

2. Soy Sauce and Oil

These are our top two liquids staples. We use oil in 90% of my cooking and soy sauce is always a great ingredient to have on hand, especially if you like Asian inspired meals.

3. Oats

Starting off your day with an energy-sustaining oatmeal or overnight oats is sure to keep you energised for the jam-packed day ahead. Plus you can customise oatmeal to your taste. The topping ideas are endless. Think banana, chia seeds, peanut butter, agave nectar or even a spoon of biscuit spread if you are feeling fancy.

Not only this, but you can also make some super easy no-bake oat bars as a homemade snack. Here is a recipe for 5 ingredient oat bars that look delicious and use simple ingredients you could keep in your cupboard for a time when you’re craving a sweeter morning snack.

4. Tinned Chickpeas and Beans

Getting in your protein as a vegan doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. In fact, tins of chickpeas and beans are some of the cheapest ways to add a protein source to your meals.

Our favourite way to use the chickpeas is in a curry or even as a ‘tuna style’ sandwich filling. Use the beans for tacos, chilli, or even combine with the oats and make budget-friendly bean burgers.

5. Chopped Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a staple in so many van life meals. From spaghetti bolognese to curry to pasta sauce, tinned tomatoes are probably one of the most versatile foods you can keep in your cupboard.

6. Lentils

Another vegan protein source that doesn’t need to be kept in the fridge is lentils. You can get these tinned or dry. Tinned lentils will cook faster, which is fab if you don’t have a lot of time to prepare your meals, but if you have time we recommend dry lentils. Not only do they take up less cupboard space, but they also taste better.

Our favourite way to include lentils into our meal plan is as a dhal.

7. Peanut Butter

If you’re anything like me, you could eat peanut butter just from the jar with a spoon. But the reason we really love always keeping a jar of PB on hand is that it is good both for sweet and savoury meals. Add it to your oats in the morning for some extra flavour or in the no bake oat bars or use as a base in a satay sauce for a stir fry or side dip.

8. Biscuits and Dark Chocolate

We had to include some sweet snacks on this list. Plus it couldn’t be easier to make a homemade rocky road by simple melting the chocolate over broken biscuits, accidentally vegan marshmallows and some dried fruit. Maybe you even decide to make smores when you have a stopover with a campfire. To some maybe this is an indulgent addition to the list but for those of us with a sweet tooth, these are a must.

9. Hot Drinks

There’s nothing better than starting the day with a perfect brew or ending the day with a warming hot chocolate. We couldn’t leave this off the list because we know how lost we would be without a box of tea bags, coffee and some cocoa. After a bad day sometimes all you want to do is curl up in bed with a warm cuppa.

10. Canned Veg

Of course, fresh or frozen veg is ideal but if you don’t have access to a fridge/freezer or haven’t had a chance to pick up groceries in the day having a can or two of veg can save you. Our favourite canned veg are sweetcorn, green beans, garden peas, and carrots.

11. Agave Nectar

Let’s not forget this sweet food cupboard essential. If you haven’t tried it, agave nectar is almost like a vegan honey substitute. It’s a little runnier and doesn’t have as strong a flavour, but it will be perfect to have on hand to add to oatmeal or to sweeten your cooking.

12. Baked Beans

Baked beans are a perfect lazy lunch option with a couple of slices of toast. Plus they are super filling, high protein and dead cheap.

13. High-Calorie Snack Bars

Make your own oat bars or grab a few calorie-dense snack bars. Our favourite bars to stock up on before a trip are clif bars. They have so many flavours so you are sure to find one you love. They are perfect when you’re on the go and need something to tie you over before your next meal or to take in your day bag.

14. Dry Herbs and Spices

An essential if you are planning to cook most of your own meals is to bring a few herbs and spices. Our top 5 recommendations would be mixed herbs, paprika, chilli flakes, garlic powder, and curry powder, plus salt and pepper.

15. Vegan Pesto

No matter how much you love to cook, some days there just isn’t enough energy left in the tank to make a meal from scratch. Trust me, you’ll thank your past self for planning for those days you can whip up a meal with minimal effort.

Boil pasta, add a jar of pesto, a can of chickpeas and maybe a tin of sweetcorn and dinner is done. Plus pesto is also great for adding a twist of flavour to any wraps, pittas and sandwiches.

16. Sweet Chilli Sauce

Use this in stir fry, as a dipping sauce or even as part of a homemade peanut satay sauce.

17. Long Shelf Life Desserts

If you have a sweet tooth you will thank yourself for bringing along some long shelf-life desserts.

If you’re in the UK pick up some Lazy Day Tiffins and Millionaire’s shortbread or grab a few Kent & Fraser Brownies. These last, unopened, in your cupboard for weeks, so they will be right on hand to satisfy those post-dinner dessert cravings.

18. Soup

Who doesn’t love soup for an easy lunch? Many canned soups are accidentally vegan and a really affordable meal option.

19. Canned Peaches

Why not grab a can of tinned peaches for a lazy, yet healthier dessert option. If you don’t think you can get hold of any fresh fruit it might be nice idea to have these peaches on hand to satisfy those fruit cravings in an instant.

20. Dried Fruit

Dried fruit such as apricots, dates and raisins are great for a day bag and on-the-go snacking. Plus you can put these on your oatmeal or even use in a recipe.

21. Vegetable Stock Cubes

Veggie stock cubes are essential for making most of our favourite meals. They hardly take up any space in your cupboard but will be the foundation of many meals. Useful in homemade soup, bolognese, ramen, stew, pie, curry, chilli, and the list goes on! I wouldn’t leave for my trip without a pack of stock cubes on board.

This post was all about the Vegan Van Life Kitchen Essentials.

What are your favourite vegan van life kitchen essentials? Comment your experience travelling in a van as a vegan or send us a DM over on Instagram. We’d love to chat about all things van life, travel and food with you!

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Billy and Leanne

Featured vanlifers Billy and Leanne share their vanlife adventures. These guys got their van in August 2020 and began converting it. They have been travelling the UK part-time in their van for the last 9 months.

A little about featured vanlifers Billy & Leanne

Billy & Leanne are currently travelling in their van ‘Donny’. Billy’s love of VW vehicles began with his first car, a 1968 VW Beetle. When this VW T4 came up for sale the couple had to have it and snapped it up within a couple of hours.

Leanne is definitely into her fashion and so it is no surprise their van is named after a fashion design icon. Donny, aka Donatella Vansace is helping them to enjoy the ultimate UK road trip.

Blue T4 camoervan parked up on a dirt track. The view is side on on the drivers side and there is a bicycle leaning up against the side.

Billy & Leanne spent the first part of 2020 stranded in Thailand due to the pandemic. When they arrived back in the UK they knew they didn’t want their travelling experiences to end there. Living vanlife the couple are getting to visit lots of places they have not seen before, and keep their travelling dream alive.

Originally from Essex, the couple and Donny have visited a number of places in the UK, these include the Cotswolds, Stonehenge, Wales, Cambridge & the Peak District.

The inside of the campervan, there is light wood cladding throughout with a beige seat. There is a mesh shopping bag hanging up and green plants trailing down from the shelves.

What is featured vanlifers Billy & Leanne’s van like?

We already know their van is a VW T4, which they have converted and updated theirselves. After surviving most of the winter in the van with no heater, the new diesel heater is their favourite feature in the van at the moment! One of the benefits of having a smaller van is the ability to fit most places, which they have been grateful for.

When the couple began travelling in the van it still wasn’t complete and so they would do all their cooking on a portable stove outside the van. The outdoor activities weren’t limited to cooking either. Until the couple fitted their sink they were washing up and brushing their teeth outside too! They admit they attracted a few strange looks from passing dog walkers. Luckily – with their fitted kitchen these days are a thing of the past.

The couple are sat washing up their pans outside the van. Leanne is looking at the camera smiling, whilst washing a saucepan in a small black washing up bowl. Billy is sat on a camping chair with a tea towel in his hand, looking down.

They kitted their van kitchen out with a Dometic sink with a single burner hob attached. There is a 20l water tank with pump to provide running water. Plus they have a 12v cool box for items that need to be kept cold. For when those summer days arrive the pair also have their portable camping stove still which they will use to cook outside.

Not forgetting the bike rack on the back of Donny to make sure Billy can cycle!

The campervan has the back doors open, looking out onto a beautiful lake. There are blue skies in the background. Billy is lying on the bed looking out while a swan on the water looks in at him.

Experiences of vanlife..

Billy & Leanne seem to be loving vanlife at the moment, which is clear to see on their regular updates on Insta & their other socials (links at the bottom!).

Their favourite experience so far has been parking up at Stonehenge last Summer. They were surrounded by dozens of other vanlifers, enjoying the freedom that vanlife can bring and watching a beautiful sunset. This memory must be even more precious with the changes in UK legislation now making it more difficult for vanlifers to park up for the night in places like this. This freedom has so far allowed them to enjoy many beautiful sunsets in nature, that they know they would not have experienced without Donny.

Leanne is dressed in white, she is lying on the bed on her front. The back doors of the campervan are open and the sun is shining, Leanne is smiling.

As is always the case, as well as all the good memories, there are always the ones that you can laugh about – after a period of time. Billy & Leanne have a couple of those! The first was finding a stunning park-up one evening, enjoying a beautiful sunset together…and then realising it was a local hot-spot for certain night-time activites!

The second was on a campsite in Gloucester. The couple were new to vanlife, and turned up to a campsite with no-one around, just a sign informing them it was a self-catering site. There was a second sign which the couple failed to notice on their way in – advising against parking at the far end. There had been heavy rainfall and that end was a mudfest. Oblivious to this the couple drove down only to realise they were very quickly stuck in deep mud – Donny was wearing her low profiles at the time too which didn’t make things any easier.

Inside the campervan kitchen. The walls, cupboard, and worktop are all made of light wood. There is a saucepan on a single hob and chopped fresh tomato and cheese on a chopping board.

The couple began to panic slightly & poor Leanne climbed out and went to the back to help push the van. Billy tried to stop Donny sinking any deeper. After a very long half hour (and leanne wearing a LOT of mud!) the couple managed to get free. They quickly used the facilities and left, preferring to find a wild camping spot instead.

Featured vanlifers Billy & Leanne and food..

Billy & Leanne like to keep things fairly simple when it comes to cooking in their van. Stir-fry’s are a firm favourite, they’re quick and easy to make, delicious and only use one pan – so less washing up! They are currently in the process of reducing their dairy intake, and have reduced their meat intake with the hopes of eventually having a plant based diet.

The view is from the end of the bed in the campervan looking out the open back doors. The bedding is a little crumpled. There is macrame bunting & the view is of lots of greenery.

There are a couple of items in their kitchen that are their favourites. One favourite is a knife set they bought in Thailand which they are really pleased with. The other is their Ridgemonkey. This is small enough to fit on their Dometic hob but allows them to cook a number of different things. The meals they have made includes mini pizzas, nachos and chicken skewers.

Their favourite recipe is Sticky Chinese chicken – the recipe can be found here!

2 plates on a table inside the campervan. They have sticky chicken, rice and pak choy
A close up image of the recipe mentioned above. Sticky Chinese chicken with rice and pak choi

What advice do Billy & Leanne have for other vanlifers?

Our advice would be, go for it! There’s no perfect time to get a van. Also if you intend to live in your van full time think about how much space you will need. If you want to stand up and have an on board toilet and shower go for a Medium wheel base or ever a long wheel base! You can do things as simply or as complex as you wish. We have done 9 months in a T4 most of which with just a bed and a shelf. The rest is luxuries!

A blue T4 campervan is parked up surrounded by fog. The sliding door is open & there is a table set for 2 with 2 plates of food.

Their socials..

Make sure to follow Billy & Leanne’s adventures in Donny on their Instagram. You may even see yourself on their spotted section!

Instagram: @billyandleanne
